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Federal Programs - Department Of Defense Page 2

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Program 26 to 45 of 45 Federal Programs

Military Construction, National Guard (12.400)

Project Grants.

To provide a combat-ready reserve force facilities for training and administering the Army and Air Force National Guard units in the 50 States, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam.


Military Medical Research And Development (12.420)

Project Grants.

To reduce illness and injury among U.S. military personnel on the battlefield through basic and applied medical research executed largely through grants and contracts with civilian educational and research institutions.


National Flagship Language Program Fellowships (12.553)

Project Grants (Fellowships).

The National Flagship Language Program (NFLP) is designed to address the urgent and growing need for Americans with professional levels of competency in languages critical to national security. NFLP offers advanced language training in Arabic,...


National Flagship Language Program Grants To U.S. Institutions Of Higher Education (12.550)

Project Grants.

(1) To establish centers for the teaching of critical languages to the ILR level 3 (ACTFL Superior level) and beyond in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Persian, Hindi, and Urdu; (2) To develop curricular, institutional, and instructional models...


National Guard Civilian Youth Opportunities (12.404)

Formula Grants.

The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, conducts a National Guard civilian youth opportunities program (to be known as the "National Guard ChalleNGe Program") to use the National Guard to provide...


National Guard Military Operations And Maintenance (O&M) Projects (12.401)

Project Grants.

1. ARNG Real Property O&M Projects (RPOMA) - provide Federal support for services provided by the State for authorized facilities for leases, real property services, real property maintenance, and O & M minor construction costs; 2. ARNG...


National Security Education Program David L. Boren Fellowships (12.552)

Project Grants (Fellowships).

(1) To equip Americans with an understanding of less commonly taught languages and cultures; (2) to build a critical base of future leaders both in the marketplace and in government service; (3) to develop a cadre of professionals with more than the...


National Security Education Program David L. Boren Scholarships (12.551)

Project Grants.

(1) To equip Americans with an understanding of less commonly taught languages and cultures; (2) to build a critical base of future leaders both in the marketplace and in government service; (3) to develop a cadre of professionals with more than the...


Navigation Projects (12.107)

Provision of Specialized Services.

To provide the most practicable and economic means of fulfilling the needs of general navigation, through projects not specifically authorized by Congress.


Payments To States In Lieu Of Real Estate Taxes (12.112)

Formula Grants.

To compensate local taxing units for the loss of taxes from federally acquired lands, 75 percent of all monies received or deposited in the Treasury during any fiscal year for the account of leasing of lands acquired by the United States for flood...


Planning Assistance To States (12.110)

Provision of Specialized Services.

To cooperate with any State in the preparation of comprehensive plans for the development, utilization and conservation of water and related land resources of drainage basins located within the boundaries of such State.


Procurement Technical Assistance For Business Firms (12.002)

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To increase assistance by the DoD for eligible entities furnishing PTA to business entities, and to assist eligible entities in the payment of the costs of establishing and carrying out new PTA Programs and maintaining existing PTA Programs.


Protection Of Essential Highways, Highway Bridge Approaches, And Public Works (12.105)

Provision of Specialized Services.

To provide bank protection of highways, highway bridges, essential public works, churches, hospitals, schools, and other nonprofit public services endangered by flood-caused erosion.


Protection, Clearing And Straightening Channels (12.109)

Provision of Specialized Services.

To restore channels for purposes of navigation or flood control.


Research And Technical Assistance (12.615)

Subject to need and availability of funds, this program provides financial assistance for approved research and technical assistance projects in the form of grants or cooperative agreements.

The Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), a field activity under the Department of Defense (DoD), is authorized to make awards to, or conclude cooperative agreements with State or local governments or any nongovernmental or other private entity, to...


Research And Technology Development (12.910)

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To support and stimulate basic research, applied research and technology development at educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial firms, which may have military or dual-use application. This support may take the form of...


Research On Chemical And Biological Defense (12.360)

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To further the capability to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat the effects of chemical, radiological and biological warfare agents.


Scientific Research - Combating Weapons Of Mass Destruction (12.352)

Project Grants.

To support and stimulate applied research, advanced research, and technology development at educational or research institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial firms, in order to advance the fundamental knowledge and understanding of the...


Snagging And Clearing For Flood Control (12.108)

Provision of Specialized Services.

To reduce flood damages.


State Memorandum Of Agreement Program For The Reimbursement Of Technical Services (12.113)

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To reimburse each State and territory for their costs incurred by providing technical services in support of Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Program activities. This program seeks to facilitate State and territory participation in...


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