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Program 1 to 25 of 108 Federal Programs
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (14.175)
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide mortgage insurance for an adjustable rate mortgage which offers lenders more assurance of long term profitability than a fixed rate mortgage, while offering consumer protection features.
Affordable Housing Development In Main Street Rejuvenation Projects (14.878)
Project Grants.
To assist small communities in the rejuvenation of historic or traditional central business districts or "Main Street Areas" by replacing unused commercial space in buildings with Affordable housing units. The objectives of the program are to: (1)...
Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions Assisting Communities (14.515)
Project Grants.
To assist Alaska Native Institutions (ANIs) and Native Hawaiian Institutions (NHIs)of higher education enhance their role and effectiveness in addressing community development needs in their localities, including neighborhood revitalization,...
Architectural Barriers Act (14.407)
Investigation of Complaints.
To provide that facilities financed, constructed, altered or leased by the Federal government with specific design standards shall be accessible to persons with physical disabilities.
Assisted Living Conversion For Eligible Multifamily Housing Projects (14.314)
Project Grants.
To provide private nonprofit owners of eligible developments designated primarily for occupancy by the elderly with a grant to allow the conversion of some or all of the dwelling units in the project into Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) for the...
Community Development Block Grants Section 108 Loan Guarantees (14.248)
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide communities with a source of financing for economic development, housing rehabilitation, public facilities, and large scale physical development projects.
Community Development Block Grants/Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (14.246)
Project Grants.
To return Brownfield's to productive economic use by assisting units of general local government in carrying out economic development projects on contaminated land or buildings. BEDI grants are designed to enhance the security of loans guaranteed...
Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants (14.218)
Formula Grants.
To develop viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income.
Community Development Block Grants/Special Purpose Grants/Insular Areas (14.225)
Project Grants.
To provide community development assistance to the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.
Community Development Block Grants/State's Program And Non-Entitlement Grants In Hawaii (14.228)
Formula Grants.
The primary objective of this program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Each activity...
Community Development Block Grants/Technical Assistance Program (14.227)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To help States, units of general local government, Indian tribes and area-wide planning organizations to plan, develop and administer local Community Development Block Grant programs.
Demolition And Revitalization Of Severely Distressed Public Housing (14.866)
Project Grants.
Revitalization Grants enable PHAs to improve the living environment for public housing residents of severely distressed public housing projects through the demolition, substantial rehabilitation, reconfiguration, and/or replacement of severely...
Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants (14.516)
Project Grants.
To assist Ph.D. candidates in completing their research and dissertations on housing and urban development issues.
Dollar Home Sales (14.313)
Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.
To expand HUD's partnership with local governments in helping to foster housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income families and address specific community needs.
Early Doctoral Student Research Grants (14.517)
Project Grants.
To enable doctoral students enrolled at institutions of higher education to cultivate their research skills through the preparation of a research manuscript that focuses on policy-relevant housing and urban development issues.
Economic Development Initiative-Special Project, Neighborhood Initiative And Miscellaneous Grants (14.251)
Project Grants.
The annual appropriation of funds to the Department and the accompanying Conference Report or Congressional Record accompanying the appropriation set forth grants in a specified amount to designated organizations for the activities specified by...
Emergency Capital Repair Grants For Multifamily Housing Projects Designated For Occupancy (14.315)
Project Grants.
To provide private nonprofit owners of eligible developments designated primarily for occupancy by the elderly with grants to make emergency capital repairs.
Emergency Shelter Grants Program (14.231)
Formula Grants.
To help improve the quality of emergency shelters and transitional housing for the homeless, to make available additional shelters, to meet the costs of operating shelters, to provide essential social services to homeless individuals, and to help...
Employment Opportunities For Lower Income Persons And Businesses (14.412)
Investigation of Complaints.
Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968 requires that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low-and very low-income persons, particularly those who...
Empowerment Zones Program (14.244)
Project Grants; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
The purpose of this program is to establish Renewal Communities (RCs) and Empowerment Zones (EZs) in certain distressed urban and rural areas, to reduce poverty and to stimulate business growth, job creation, and other aspects of economic and...
Equal Opportunity In Housing (14.400)
Investigation of Complaints.
To provide fair housing throughout the United States and an administrative enforcement system which is subject to judicial review.
Fair Housing Assistance Program-State And Local (14.401)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide assistance to State and local fair housing enforcement agencies to support complaint processing, training, technical assistance, education and outreach, data and information systems and other activities that will further fair housing...
Fair Housing Initiatives Program (14.408)
Project Grants.
To develop, implement, carry out, or coordinate programs and/or activities to educate the public about, as well as provide enforcement of, fair housing rights under the Fair Housing Act; 42 U.S.C. 3601-3619 or State or local laws that provide...
Family Unification Program (FUP) (14.880)
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To aid families for whom the lack of adequate housing is the primary factor in the separation, or the threat of imminent separation, of children from their families, and youths ages 18-21 years old who left foster care at age 16 or older and lack...
General Research And Technology Objectives: Activity (14.506)
Project Grants.
To carry out research, demonstration and program evaluation and monitoring projects of high priority and pre-selected by the Department to improve the operations of the Department's programs.
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