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Federal Programs - Department Of Housing And Urban Development Page 3

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Program 51 to 75 of 108 Federal Programs

Mortgage Insurance For The Purchase Or Refinancing Of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects (14.155)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide mortgage insurance to HUD-approved lenders for the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily housing projects, whether conventionally financed or subject to federally insured mortgages at the time of application for mortgage...


Mortgage Insurance-Combination And Manufactured Home Lot Loans (14.162)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To make possible reasonable financing for the purchase of a manufactured home and a lot on which to place the home.


Mortgage Insurance-Cooperative Projects (14.126)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

Enables nonprofit cooperative ownership housing corporations or trusts to develop or sponsor the development of housing projects to be operated as cooperatives. Section 213 allows investors to provide good quality multifamily housing to be sold to...


Mortgage Insurance-GROWING Equity Mortgages (14.172)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide a rapid principal reduction and shorter mortgage term by increasing payments over a 10-year period, thereby expanding housing opportunities to the homebuying public.


Mortgage Insurance-Homes (14.117)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To help people undertake home ownership.


Mortgage Insurance-Homes For Disaster Victims (14.119)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To help victims of a major disaster undertake homeownership on a sound basis.


Mortgage Insurance-Homes In Urban Renewal Areas (14.122)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To help families purchase or rehabilitate homes in urban renewal areas.


Mortgage Insurance-Hospitals (14.128)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To facilitate the affordable financing of hospitals for the care and treatment of persons who are acutely ill or who otherwise require medical care and related services of the kind customarily furnished only or most effectively by hospitals.


Mortgage Insurance-Housing In Older, Declining Areas (14.123)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To assist in the purchase or rehabilitation of housing in older, declining urban areas.


Mortgage Insurance-Manufactured Home Parks (14.127)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To make possible the financing of construction or rehabilitation of manufactured home parks.


Mortgage Insurance-Nursing Homes, Intermediate CARE Facilities, Board And CARE Homes And Assisted Living Facilities (14.129)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide mortgage insurance to HUD-approved lenders to facilitate the construction or rehabilitation of nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes and assisted living facilities, to allow purchase or refinancing with or...


Mortgage Insurance-Purchase Of Units In Condominiums (14.133)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To enable families to purchase units in condominium projects.


Mortgage Insurance-Rental And Cooperative Housing For Moderate Income Families And Elderly, Market Interest Rate (14.135)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide good quality rental or cooperative housing for moderate income families, the elderly, and handicapped. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) may also be insured under this section (see program 14.184).


Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing (14.134)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To increase the supply of good quality rental housing for middle-income families.


Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing For The Elderly (14.138)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide good quality rental housing for the elderly.


Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing In Urban Renewal Areas (14.139)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide good quality rental housing in urban renewal areas, code enforcement areas, and other areas designated for overall revitalization.


Mortgage Insurance-Single Family Cooperative Housing (14.163)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide insured financing for the purchase of the Corporate Certificate and Occupancy Certificate for a unit in a cooperative housing project. Ownership of the corporate certificate carries the right to occupy the unit located within the...


Mortgage Insurance-Two Year Operating Loss Loans, Section 223(D) (14.167)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To insure a separate loan covering operating losses incurred during the first 2 years following the date of completion or any other 2-year period occurring within 10 years following the date of completion of a multifamily project with a HUD-insured...


Mortgages Insurance For Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Projects (14.184)

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program provides mortgage insurance for multifamily properties consisting of single-room units. There are no Federal rent subsidies involved with this SRO Program. It is aimed at those tenants who have a source of...


Moving To Work Demonstration Program (14.881)

Formula Grants.

The purpose of this demonstration is to give public housing agencies and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the flexibility to design and test various approaches for providing and administering housing assistance that: reduce cost and...


Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform And Affordability Act (14.197)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To retain critical affordable housing resources represented by the supply of FHA-insured Section 8 assisted housing and maintain it in good physical and financial condition while, at the same time, reducing the cost of the ongoing Federal subsidy....


Multifamily Housing Service Coordinators (14.191)

Project Grants.

To link elderly, especially frail and disabled, or disabled non-elderly assisted housing and neighborhood residents to supportive service in the general community; to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; and, to assess individual...


Multifamily Property Disposition (14.199)

Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.

To manage and dispose of multifamily housing projects that are owned by the Secretary or that are subject to a mortgage held by the Secretary in a manner that is consistent with the National Housing Act; protect the financial interests of the...


Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grants (14.873)

Project Grants.

To provide housing assistance to low-income Native Hawaiian families who are eligible to reside on Hawaiian Home Lands.


Non-Discrimination In Federally Assisted And Conducted Programs (On The Basis Of Disability) (14.404)

Investigation of Complaints.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in federally assisted programs (Part 8) and federally conducted programs (Part 9).


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