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Program 101 to 108 of 108 Federal Programs
Shelter Plus CARE (14.238)
Project Grants.
The Shelter Plus Care Program provides rental assistance, in connection with supportive services funded from sources other than this program, to homeless persons with disabilities (primarily persons who are seriously mentally ill; have chronic...
Single Family Property Disposition (14.311)
Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.
To sell the inventory of HUD-acquired properties in a manner that expands home ownership opportunities, strengthens neighborhoods and communities, and ensures a maximum return to the FHA mortgage insurance fund.
Supplemental Loan Insurancemultifamily Rental Housing (14.151)
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide good quality rental housing for the elderly.
Supportive Housing For Persons With Disabilities (14.181)
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide for supportive housing for very low-income persons with disabilities.
Supportive Housing For The Elderly (14.157)
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To expand the supply of housing with supportive services for the elderly, including the frail elderly.
Supportive Housing Program (14.235)
Project Grants; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
The Supportive Housing Program is designed to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless persons in the transition from homelessness and to enable them to live as independently as possible. Program funds...
Title VI Federal Guarantees For Financing Tribal Housing Activities (14.869)
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To assist an Indian tribe or Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) to obtain financing for affordable housing activities under Title II of NAHASDA where an obligation cannot be completed without such guarantee.
Tribal Colleges And Universities Program (14.519)
Project Grants.
To assist Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) build, expand, renovate, and equip their own facilities, and to expand the role of the TCUs into the community through the provision of needed services such as health programs, job training, and...
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