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Federal Programs - Types of Assistance

Currently, programs in our list are being classified by General Services Administration (GSA) into 15 types of assistance. (Cooperative Agreements as a type of assistance is used for programs administered under that mechanism. However, the definition does not appear in this section.) Benefits and services of the programs are provided through seven financial types of assistance and eight nonfinancial types of assistance. The following list defines the types of assistance that are available through the programs.


Formula Grants

Allocations of money to States or their subdivisions in accordance with distribution formulas prescribed by law or administrative regulation, for activities of a continuing nature not confined to a specific project. Click Here for Federal Programs of Formula Grants.


Project Grants

The funding, for fixed or known periods, of specific projects. Project grants can include fellowships, scholarships, research grants, training grants, traineeships, experimental and demonstration grants, evaluation grants, planning grants, technical assistance grants, survey grants, and construction grants. Click Here for Federal Programs of Project Grants.


Direct Payments for Specified Use

Financial assistance from the Federal government provided directly to individuals, private firms, and other private institutions to encourage or subsidize a particular activity by conditioning the receipt of the assistance on a particular performance by the recipient. This does not include solicited contracts for the procurement of goods and services for the Federal government. Click Here for Federal Programs of Direct Payments for Specified Use.


Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use

Financial assistance from the Federal government provided directly to beneficiaries who satisfy Federal eligibility requirements with no restrictions being imposed on the recipient as to how the money is spent. Included are payments under retirement, pension, and compensatory programs. Click Here for Federal Programs of Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.


Direct Loans

Financial assistance provided through the lending of Federal monies for a specific period of time, with a reasonable expectation of repayment. Such loans may or may not require the payment of interest. Click Here for Federal Programs of Direct Loans.


Guaranteed/Insured Loans

Programs in which the Federal government makes an arrangement to identify a lender against part or all of any defaults by those responsible for repayment of loans. Click Here for Federal Programs of Guaranteed/Insured Loans.



Financial assistance provided to assure reimbursement for losses sustained under specified conditions. Coverage may be provided directly by the Federal government or through private carriers and may or may not involve the payment of premiums. Click Here for Federal Programs of Insurance.


Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods

Programs which provide for the sale, exchange, or donation of Federal real property, personal property, commodities, and other goods including land, buildings, equipment, food and drugs. This does not include the loan of, use of, or access to Federal facilities or property. Click Here for Federal Programs of Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.


Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment

Programs which provide for the loan of, use of, or access to Federal facilities or property wherein the federally owned facilities or property do not remain in the possession of the recipient of the assistance. Click Here for Federal Programs of Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment.


Provision of Specialized Services

Programs that provide Federal personnel directly to perform certain tasks for the benefit of communities or individuals. These services may be performed in conjunction with nonfederal personnel, but they involve more than consultation, advice, or counseling. Click Here for Federal Programs of Provision of Specialized Services.


Advisory Services and Counseling

Programs which provide Federal specialists to consult, advise, or counsel communities or individuals to include conferences, workshops, or personal contacts. This may involve the use of published information, but only in a secondary capacity. Click Here for Federal Programs of Advisory Services and Counseling.


Dissemination of Technical Information

Programs that provide for the publication and distribution of information or data of a specialized or technical nature frequently through clearinghouses or libraries. This does not include conventional public information services designed for general public consumption. Click Here for Federal Programs of Dissemination of Technical Information.



Programs that provide instructional activities conducted directly by a Federal agency for individuals not employed by the Federal government. Click Here for Federal Programs of Training.


Investigation of Complaints

Federal administrative agency activities that are initiated in response to requests, either formal or informal, to examine or investigate claims of violations of Federal statutes, policies, or procedure. The origination of such claims must come from outside the Federal government. Click Here for Federal Programs of Investigation of Complaints.


Federal Employment

Programs that reflect the Governmentwide responsibilities of the Office of Personnel Management in the recruitment and hiring of Federal civilian agency personnel. Click Here for Federal Programs of Federal Employment.



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