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Federal Programs - Direct Payments for Specified Use Page 3

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Program 51 to 75 of 171 Direct Payments for Specified Use

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (10.912)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

Provide technical and financial assistance to eligible farmers and ranchers to address soil, water, and related natural resource concerns on their lands in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. This program provides assistance to...


Extramural Loan Repayment For Individuals From Disadvantaged Backgrounds Conducting Clinical Research (93.308)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To encourage the recruitment and retention of qualified health professionals from disadvantaged backgrounds to conduct clinical research. Clinical research consists of patient-oriented clinical research conducted with human subjects, or research on...


Family Unification Program (FUP) (14.880)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To aid families for whom the lack of adequate housing is the primary factor in the separation, or the threat of imminent separation, of children from their families, and youths ages 18-21 years old who left foster care at age 16 or older and lack...


Farm And Ranch Lands Protection Program (10.913)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To purchase conservation easements to limit conversion to non-agricultural uses of farm and ranch lands that contain prime, unique, or important soils or historical and archaeological resources.


Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation And Design (15.644)

Direct Payments for Specified Use; Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.

To use visual arts programs and a nation-wide art contest to teach students in kindergarten through high school environmental science, wildlife management, wetlands ecology, and the importance of habitat conservation.


Federal Pell Grant Program (84.063)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide eligible undergraduate postsecondary students who have demonstrated financial need with grant assistance to help meet educational expenses.


Federal Perkins Loan Program-Federal Capital Contributions (84.038)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide low interest loans to eligible postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need to help meet educational expenses.


Federal Reimbursement Of Emergency Health Services Furnished To Undocumented Aliens (93.784)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To reimburse eligible providers for their otherwise un-reimbursed costs associated with furnishing emergency health services to undocumented and certain other aliens.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (84.007)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide eligible undergraduate postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need with grant assistance to help meet educational expenses.


Federal Work-Study Program (84.033)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide part-time employment to eligible postsecondary students to help meet educational expenses and encourage students receiving program assistance to participate in community service activities.


Foreign Market Development Cooperator Program (10.600)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To create, maintain and expand long-term export markets for U.S. agricultural products through cost-share assistance and the opportunity to work closely with FAS and its overseas offices.


Forestry On Indian Lands (15.035)

Direct Payments for Specified Use; Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling.

To maintain, protect, enhance, and develop Indian forest resources through the execution of forest management activities.


Geriatric Academic Career Awards (93.250)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To increase the number of junior faculty at accredited schools of allopathic and osteopathic medicine and to promote the development of their careers as academic geriatricians. Awards provide financial incentives for junior faculty to pursue...


Grassland Reserve Program (10.920)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To assist landowners and others in restoring and protecting eligible grassland, rangeland, pastureland and certain other lands through rental agreements and easements.


Ground And Surface Water Conservation- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (10.918)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

Provide technical and financial assistance to eligible farmers and ranchers to address water conservation natural resource concerns on their lands in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. This program provides assistance to...


Harry S Truman Scholarship Program (85.001)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To honor former President Harry S Truman through the operation of an education scholarship program, financed by a permanent trust fund endowment, to develop increased opportunities for young Americans to prepare for and pursue careers in public...


Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) (10.922)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To assist landowners in restoring and enhancing forest ecosystems to: Promote the recovery of threatened and endangered species, improve biodiversity, and enhance carbon sequestration.


Improvement And Repair Of Indian Detention Facilities (15.063)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide safe, functional, code and standards compliant, economical, and energy-efficient adult and/or juvenile detention facilities.


Indian Adult Education (15.026)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To improve the educational opportunities for Indian adults who lack the level of literacy skills necessary for effective citizenship and productive employment and to encourage the establishment of adult education programs.


Indian Community Fire Protection (15.031)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide funds to perform fire protection services for Indian Tribal Governments that do not receive fire protection support from State or local government.


Indian Economic Development (15.032)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To assist Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments by providing the resources necessary to develop a self-sustaining economic base. The program provides opportunities for business development, the coordination and integration of programs...


Indian Education Facilities, Operations, And Maintenance (15.047)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide funds to BIA funded elementary or secondary schools or peripheral dormitories for facilities operations and maintenance.


Indian Education-Assistance To Schools (15.130)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To fund programs that meet the unique and specialized needs of eligible Indian students.


Indian Employment Assistance (15.108)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide vocational training and employment opportunities to eligible American Indians and reduce Federal dependence.


Indian Law Enforcement (15.030)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide funds to Indian Tribal Governments to operate police departments and detention facilities.


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