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Program 1 to 25 of 82 Dissemination of Technical Information
Aerospace Education Services Program (43.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
NASA's Aerospace Education Services Program (AESP) is a specialized group of educators using NASA's unique assets to support local, state, regional and national mathematics, science, and technology education systemic change efforts through...
Agricultural And Rural Economic Research (10.250)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide economic and other social science information and analysis for public and private decisions on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America. ERS produces such information for use by the general public and to help the executive...
Agricultural Statistics Reports (10.950)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To formulate, develop, and administer programs for collecting and publishing statistics related to agriculture, resources, and rural communities.
Americans With Disabilities Act Technical Assistance Program (16.108)
Dissemination of Technical Information; Training; Investigation of Complaints; Project Grants.
To ensure that public accommodations and commercial facilities and State and local governments learn of the requirements of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and acquire the knowledge needed to comply voluntarily with...
Aquatic Plant Control (12.100)
Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide for the cooperation of the Army Corps of Engineers with State and local government agencies in the control of obnoxious aquatic plants in rivers, harbors, and allied waters.
Architectural And Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (88.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To enforce Federal laws requiring accessibility for persons with disabilities in certain federally funded buildings and facilities throughout the Nation; set guidelines and requirements for accessibility standards prescribed by Federal agencies....
Assistive Technology (84.224)
Formula Grants; Project Grants (Discretionary); Project Grants (Contracts); Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide States with financial assistance that supports programs designed to maximize the ability of individuals of all ages with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives to obtain assistive...
Boating Safety (97.011)
Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To improve safe operations and uses of water craft.
Census Bureau Data Products (11.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide statistical results of censuses, surveys, and other programs on the Internet, in printed reports, floppy discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and online, and to provide maps showing area boundaries and codes.
Census Customer Services (11.002)
Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To assist census data users in the access to and use of published and unpublished data through information provided in newsletters, on-line catalogs, conferences and training courses; design new informational and data products to meet user needs;...
Census Geography (11.003)
Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide a computer generated set of maps for use in conducting censuses and surveys and for showing their results geographically; determine names and current boundaries of selected statistical areas; show these entities on a variety of maps;...
Census Intergovernmental Services (11.004)
Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To provide technical and informational assistance to State and local governments.
Census Special Tabulations And Services (11.005)
Dissemination of Technical Information; Provision of Specialized Services.
To provide customized tabulations from Census Bureau records in a variety of output forms to meet users' needs, and to conduct statistical surveys and special censuses, on a reimbursable basis.
Citizenship Education And Training (97.010)
Dissemination of Technical Information; Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements or Contracts).
To promote instruction and training in citizenship responsibilities for persons interested in becoming naturalized citizens of the United States and to initiate and further efforts on their part to learn the English language and acquire the...
Clearinghouse Services, Civil Rights Discrimination Complaints (29.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
(1) To serve as a national clearinghouse for information to the public in respect to discrimination or denials of equal protection of the Laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin; to hold public hearings and...
Communications Information And Assistance And Investigation Of Complaints (32.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information; Investigation of Complaints.
To increase public knowledge of communications function and participation in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proceedings. To help maintain efficient and responsible systems of public communications by stimulating participation in FCC...
Compensation And Working Conditions (17.005)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide timely and relevant data on levels and trends in wages; employee benefits; occupational safety and health; and work stoppages.
Consumer Data Initiative (CDI) (10.256)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide economic and other social science information and analysis for public and private decisions on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America. ERS produces such information for use by the general public and to help the executive...
Copyright Service (42.002)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
OBJECTIVES: To administer the U.S. copyright law, to examine and decide the acceptability of all applications, deposit copies, and other materials presented for registration of original and renewal copyright claims; and preregistration of certain...
Corrections-Research And Evaluation And Policy Formulation (16.602)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements or Contracts); Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To conduct, encourage, and coordinate research relating to corrections including the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of criminal offenders. To conduct evaluation programs which study the effectiveness of new approaches, techniques,...
Corrections-Technical Assistance/Clearinghouse (16.603)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements or Contracts); Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To encourage and assist Federal, State, and local government programs and services, and programs and services of other public and private agencies, institutions, and organizations in their efforts to develop and implement improved corrections...
Corrections-Training And Staff Development (16.601)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Project Grants (Contracts); Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars, workshops, and training programs for law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers and other...
Cultural Resource Management (15.224)
Project Grants; Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training; Investigation of Complaints.
To manage and protect cultural resources on the public lands and to increase public awareness and appreciation of these resources. Most of these lands are located in the Western United States and Alaska.
Depository Libraries For Government Publications (40.001)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide a class of libraries in the United States and its possessions known as depository libraries, in which tangible and electronic U.S. Government information products are made available by the Superintendent of Documents for use by the...
Employee Benefits Security Administration (17.150)
Dissemination of Technical Information.
The primary mission of EBSA is to protect the pension health and other benefits of American workers and their families. EBSA is committed to educating and assisting the 150 million Americans covered by more than 683,000 private retirement plans, 2.5...
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