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Program 1 to 25 of 1169 Project Grants
1890 Institution Capacity Building Grants (10.216)
Project Grants.
To build the research and teaching capacities of the 1890 land-grant institutions and Tuskegee University through cooperative programs with Federal and nonfederal entities.
1994 Institutions Research Program (10.227)
Project Grants.
To carry out a competitive research grants program for the 30 institutions designated as 1994 Institutions.
21st Century Museum Professionals (45.307)
Project Grants.
To support projects that address the preparation of museum professionals for the future by updating and expanding their knowledge and skills.
7(J) Technical Assistance (59.007)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements or Contracts).
The purpose of the program is to provide Business Development Assistance for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses. SBA performs this mission by entering into grants, cooperative agreements and contracts with qualified service providers...
Abandoned Infants (93.551)
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To develop, implement and operate projects that demonstrate how to: (1) Prevent the abandonment of infants and young children exposed to HIV/AIDS and drugs, including the provision of services to family members for any conditions that increased the...
Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR) Program (15.252)
Formula Grants; Project Grants.
To protect the public, health, safety and general welfare, and restore land, water and environmental resources affected by coal and noncoal mining practices that occurred prior to August 3, 1977.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Activity (93.118)
Project Grants.
To develop and implement HIV prevention programs of public information and education.
Administrative Cost Grants For Indian Schools (15.046)
Project Grants.
To provide grants to tribes and tribal organizations operating schools for the purpose of paying administrative and indirect costs.
Adolescent Family Life Research Grants (93.111)
Project Grants.
To encourage and support research projects and dissemination activities concerning the societal causes and consequences of adolescent sexual activity, contraceptive use, pregnancy and child rearing. To determine ways to alleviate, eliminate or...
Adolescent Family Life-Demonstration Projects (93.995)
Project Grants.
To establish innovative, comprehensive, and integrated approaches to the delivery of care services for pregnant and parenting adolescents with primary emphasis on adolescents who are under 17 years of age. To promote abstinence from sexual relations...
Adoption Opportunities (93.652)
Project Grants (Contracts).
To facilitate the elimination of barriers to adoption and to provide permanent,loving home environments for children who would benefit from adoption, particularly children with special needs.
Adult Education-National Leadership Activities (84.191)
Project Grants (Contracts).
To support applied research, development, demonstration, dissemination, evaluation, and related activities that contribute to the improvement and expansion of adult basic education nationally.
Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention And Control (93.270)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To assist State and local health agencies, health related organizations and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations in their efforts to decrease the incidence of new infections of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses and to...
Advanced Education Nursing Grant Program (93.247)
Project Grants.
Grants are awarded to eligible institutions for projects that support the enhancement of advanced nursing education and practice including master's and doctoral programs, combined RN/ master's degree programs, post-nursing master's certificate...
Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships (93.358)
Project Grants.
Grants are awarded to eligible institutions to provide financial support through traineeships for registered nurses enrolled in advanced education nursing programs to prepare nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, nurse...
Advanced Placement Program (Advanced Placement Test Fee; Advanced Placement Incentive Program Grants) (84.330)
Project Grants (Discretionary).
Award grants to States support State and local efforts to increase access to advance placement classes and tests for low-income students and to cover part or all of the cost of test fees for low-income students enrolled in advanced placement...
Advanced Research And Projects Agency - Energy Financial Assistance Program (81.135)
Project Grants
To support the President¡¯s National Objectives for the Department of Energy.
Advanced Surveillance Program (ASP) (97.118)
Project Grants
To provide enhanced remote security and surveillance capability of passenger/baggage screening areas and airport perimeter areas. The ASP partners with airport authorities to enable Transportation Security Officers with real-time access to, as well...
Advanced Technology Program (11.612)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To work in partnership with industry to foster the development and broad dissemination of challenging, high-risk technologies that offer the potential for significant, broad-based economic benefits for the nation.
Advancing System Improvements To Support Targets For Healthy People 2010 (93.088)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide three years of additional support to existing public health systems/collaborative partnerships to enable them to add a gender focus to HP 2010 objectives that track the health status of women and/or men, to help improve gender outcomes in...
Affordable Housing Development In Main Street Rejuvenation Projects (14.878)
Project Grants.
To assist small communities in the rejuvenation of historic or traditional central business districts or "Main Street Areas" by replacing unused commercial space in buildings with Affordable housing units. The objectives of the program are to: (1)...
African Elephant Conservation Fund (15.620)
Project Grants.
To provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants. The African Elephant Conservation Fund supports projects that promote...
Aging Research (93.866)
Project Grants.
To encourage biomedical, social, and behavioral research and research training directed toward greater understanding of the aging process and the diseases, special problems, and needs of people as they age. The National Institute on Aging has...
Agricultural Market And Economic Research (10.290)
Project Grants.
To conduct cooperative economic research and analyses in support of the Office of the Chief Economist's responsibility to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on the economic implications of Department policies, programs, and proposed legislation....
Agricultural Research-Basic And Applied Research (10.001)
Project Grants.
To make agricultural research discoveries, evaluate alternative ways of attaining research goals, and provide scientific technical information.
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