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Program 1 to 25 of 54 Training
Alcohol, Tobacco, And Firearms-Training Assistance (16.012)
To help the participant identify the laws relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, and provide training in specific investigative skills and techniques, and to help State, county, and local law enforcement officers improve their law...
Americans With Disabilities Act Technical Assistance Program (16.108)
Dissemination of Technical Information; Training; Investigation of Complaints; Project Grants.
To ensure that public accommodations and commercial facilities and State and local governments learn of the requirements of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and acquire the knowledge needed to comply voluntarily with...
Boating Safety (97.011)
Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To improve safe operations and uses of water craft.
Census Customer Services (11.002)
Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To assist census data users in the access to and use of published and unpublished data through information provided in newsletters, on-line catalogs, conferences and training courses; design new informational and data products to meet user needs;...
Census Intergovernmental Services (11.004)
Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To provide technical and informational assistance to State and local governments.
Challenge Cost Share (15.238)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Advisory Services and Counseling; Training.
The Challenge Cost Share Program works through cooperative partners to help accomplish high priority work to support habitat improvement, comprehensive travel management, recreation and cultural projects. The types of projects that can be funded...
Community Outreach And Assistance Partnership Program (10.455)
Information; Training.
To ensure that women, limited resource, socially disadvantaged and other traditionally underserved producers of priority commodities are provided information and training necessary to use financial management, crop insurance, marketing contracts,...
Comprehensive Approaches To Sex Offender Management Discretionary Grant (CASOM) (16.203)
Project Grants (Discretionary); Training.
To assist state, local and tribal jurisdictions in improving their adult and/or juvenile sex offender management policies and practices by critically examining existing approaches to monitoring and managing the population; identifying significant...
Conservation Law Enforcement Training Assistance (15.602)
To provide training assistance to State conservation officers in criminal law, and the principles, techniques, and procedures of wildlife law enforcement.
Corrections-Training And Staff Development (16.601)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Project Grants (Contracts); Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars, workshops, and training programs for law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers and other...
Cultural Resource Management (15.224)
Project Grants; Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training; Investigation of Complaints.
To manage and protect cultural resources on the public lands and to increase public awareness and appreciation of these resources. Most of these lands are located in the Western United States and Alaska.
Emergency Management Institute (EMI)-INDEPENDENT Study Program (97.027)
The program currently consists of 66 courses available to participants, with the objective of enhancing public and selected audience knowledge of emergency management practices among officials of Federal, State, local and tribal governments and...
Emergency Management Institute (EMI)-Resident Educational Program (97.028)
To improve emergency management practices among State, local and tribal government managers, and Federal officials as well, in response to emergencies and disasters. Programs embody the Comprehensive Emergency Management System by unifying the...
Environmental Quality And Protection Resource Management (15.236)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To provide financial assistance, through grants or cooperative agreements as a partnership to reduce or remove pollutants in the environment for the protection of human health, water and air reources; to restore damaged or degraded watersheds; and...
Fish, Wildlife And Plant Conservation Resource Management (15.231)
Project Grants; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To manage fish, wildlife and plant conservation resources on the public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
Forests And Woodlands Resource Management (15.233)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Advisory Services and Counseling; Training.
To provide financial assistance, through grants or cooperative agreements, to public or private organizations for the improvement of forests on public lands. Improvements will include the maintenance of forest health, forest regeneration,...
Highway Training And Education (20.215)
Project Grants (Fellowships); Training; Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
National Highway Institute (NHI) Training Program: To develop and administer, in cooperation with those in the highway community, educational, training, and technical assistance programs for the Federal Highway Administration, State and local...
Indian Child And Family Education (15.043)
Project Grants; Training.
To begin educating children at an early age through parental involvement, to increase high school graduation rates among Indian parents, and to encourage life-long learning.
Indian Country Investigations (16.308)
To provide training to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Tribal Law Enforcement Officers in conjunction with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) to better conduct investigations in Indian...
Indian Post Secondary Schools (15.058)
To provide postsecondary educational opportunities for American Indian Students.
Indian Vocational Training-United Tribes Technical College (15.060)
Training; Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.
To provide vocational training to individual American Indians through the United Tribes Technical College, located in Bismarck, North Dakota.
International Research And Research Training (93.989)
Project Grants; Training.
The John E. Fogarty International Center (FIC) supports research and research training to reduce disparities in global health and to foster partnerships between U.S. scientists and their counterparts abroad. FIC supports basic biological,...
Invasive And Noxious Plant Management (15.230)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Advisory Services and Counseling; Training.
To encourage interested State and local governments and Federal agencies to work together to inventory, manage, educate, reduce the spread of, and prevent the further invasion and establishment of noxious, invasive weeds, and other species. These...
Law Enforcement Assistance-FBI Advanced Police Training (16.300)
To provide advanced training to experienced personnel of local, county, State, and selected Federal law enforcement agencies, with special emphasis on developing each graduate as a capable manager or administrator for his own department. To afford...
Law Enforcement Assistance-FBI Crime Laboratory Support (16.301)
Provision of Specialized Services; Training.
To provide forensic services to the FBI and any other duly constituted law enforcement agency; and provide technical and forensic assistance through research, training, technology transfer and access to information and forensic databases.
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