Program Descriptions
Program Number
Commodity Partnerships For Small Agricultural Risk Management Education Sessions
Federal Agency
Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 1522(d).
To deliver training and information during small sessions in the management of production, marketing, and financial risk to U.S. agricultural producers, with a priority to producers of crops not insurable with Federal crop insurance, specialty crops, and underserved commodities.
Types of Assistance
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
Uses and Use Restrictions
Entities receiving funding will use funds to (a) plan a local program of risk management education for agricultural producers, (b) develop and assemble instructional materials, (c) promote awareness for risk management and educational opportunities, (d) deliver educational activities to agricultural producers and agribusiness professionals, and (e) document project activities. Applicants may propose additional uses of funds that meet the objectives of the program. RMA will be substantially involved in the management and direction of the project. Indirect costs allowed for projects submitted under this program will be limited to ten percent of total direct costs of the partnership agreement. Funds may not be used to (a) plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or construct a building or facility including a processing facility; (b) purchase, rent, or install fixed equipment; (c) repair or maintain privately owned vehicles; (d) pay the for preparation of the partnership agreement application; (e) fund political activities; (f) purchase alcohol, food, beverage, or entertainment; (g) pay costs incurred prior to receiving a partnership agreement; or (h) fund any activity prohibited in 7 CFR Parts 3015 and 3019, as applicable.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
Eligible applicants include State departments of agriculture, universities, nonprofit agricultural organizations, and other public or private organizations with the capacity to lead a local program of risk management education for farmers and ranchers in an RMA Region. Individuals are not eligible applicants. Although an applicant may be eligible to compete for an award based on its status as an eligible entity, other factors may exclude an applicant from receiving Federal assistance under this program (e.g. debarment and suspension; a determination of non-performance on a prior contract, cooperative agreement, grant or partnership; a determination of a violation of applicable ethical standards).
Beneficiary Eligibility
The ultimate beneficiaries of this education program are agricultural producers, with a priority for producers of crops not insurable by Federal crop insurance, specialty crops, and underserved commodities. Applicants receiving awards will ensure that such producers receive effective risk management education and information either directly or through agribusiness professionals that can impart risk management information to producers.
Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to deliver risk management education and information programs to producers in the written narratives and statements of work that accompany applications.
Application and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
No preapplication coordination with governmental or nongovernmental units is required prior to the submission of a formal application. This program is excluded under E.O. 12372.
Application Procedure
Eligible applicants must complete and submit a valid application to RMA Headquarters by the application deadline. Requirements for a complete application package and the application deadline are set forth in the Request for Applications. Eligible applicants will also be able to apply electronically using
Award Procedure
Each application will be evaluated using a two-part process. First, each application will be screened by RMA personnel to ensure that it meets the requirements listed in the Request for Applications announcement. Second, a review panel will consider the merits of all applications that meet the requirements in the announcement. The panel will examine and score applications based on the evaluation criteria contained in the Request for Applications. Other review panel information is provided in the Request for Applications announcement. Following its review, the panel will report to the Manager of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) with a listing of the recommended applicants to receive partnership agreements. The Manager of FCIC will make the final determination on applications that will be awarded funding.
The application due date is indicated in the Request for Applications notice.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
Generally about 120 days from the deadline listed in the Request for Applications.
No provision is provided in this program for an appeal.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
The Request for Applications contains specifics on the limits of funding availability for individual projects. Although RMA prefers matching funds, this program has no matching requirement.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Funding will normally be available for projects that will begin in July through September and will continue for up to one year.
Post Assistance Requirements
Quarterly performance reports are required which document project progress. In addition, a comprehensive final report is required which documents all educational activity conducted within the partnership project.
Recipients are subject to audit by the Office of the Inspector General, USDA, as set forth in OMB Circular No. A-133, or in Federal Acquisition Regulations.
The recipient will maintain at its place of business all records required by the partnership agreement and the respective OMB Circulars.
Financial Information
Account Identification
FY 07 $415,655; FY 08 est $500,000; and FY 09 est $500,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
FY 07 Range: $4,000 to $10,000; FY 07 Average: $9,666.
Program Accomplishments
FY 2008 funds will provide direct risk management training to approximately 3,000 agricultural producers and assist in raising risk management awareness to the larger agricultural community.
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
This program is announced as a Request for Applications in the Federal Register, and the RMA website, along with specific information on obtaining an application package.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
RMA has ten Regional Offices nationwide serving potential applicants. A listing may be obtained from the RMA website or RMA Headquarters.
Headquarters Office
Risk Management Agency, Risk Management Education Division, Department of Agriculture, Stop 0808, 1400 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, DC 20250-0808. Telephone: (202) 720-5265. E-mail:
Web Site Address
Related Programs
10.455, Community Outreach And Assistance Partnership Program
10.456, Partnership Agreements To Develop Noninsurance Risk Management Tools For Producers (Farmers)
10.457, Commodity Partnerships For Risk Management Education
10.458, Crop Insurance Education In Targeted States
Examples of Funded Projects
A complete listing of projects funded under this program is provided on the RMA web site, or may be obtained by contacting RMA Headquarters.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Criteria used by the application review panel for recommending awards are listed in the Request for Applications.