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Denton Program

Program Descriptions

Program Number



Denton Program


Federal Agency




Title 10, U.S.C. Section 402.






To put the empty space on U.S. Military transport to good use by providing humanitarian relief transportation for nongovernmental organizations or private citizens, at little or no cost to them.


Types of Assistance

Provision of Specialized Services.


Uses and Use Restrictions

The Denton Program is a commodity transportation program that is jointly administered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of State (DOS), and the Department of Defense (DOD). The program provides the authority for DOD to use any extra space on U.S. military cargo aircraft to transport donated goods for humanitarian relief. The minimum and maximum weight allowance for Denton shipments is 2,000 lbs. and 100,000 lbs., respectively. Time and or temperature sensitive cargo, perishable food stuff, pharmaceutical samples, passengers, livestock, hazardous material, and vehicles requiring a special driver are ineligible commodities under the Denton program.


Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must be an U.S. based private voluntary organization (PVOs), non-governmental organization (NGOs) or small organization.

Beneficiary Eligibility

PVOs, NGOs and International Organizations (IOs) in eligible countries.


Evidence that the goods are in usable condition; the consignee in country is legitimate and has the capacity to receive and distribute goods; and the goods are packaged properly and in compliance with U.S. military procedures.


Application and Award Process

Preapplication Coordination

Donors need to contact the Denton program officer prior to submitting an application to determine whether the program is possible in a specific country. Applicants must provide a detailed packing list of the goods; identify staff in-country to ensure proper pick-up and distribution of commodities; provide duty-free Certification for the country to which the commodities will be shipped; and ensure compliance with all legal requirements in the recipient country. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372.

Application Procedure

All prospective donors are encouraged to apply online for U.S. military space available transportation under the Denton program. Information on the guidelines and the application can be accessed at The procedures are specified in the application. These include the applicant name, address, contact information; consignee name, address, contact information; the description of beneficiaries, impact areas, distribution plan; the detailed list of items; the cargo weight, volume and U.S. warehouse location; and the duty-free certification.

Award Procedure

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time

The Denton Program requires the coordination of USAID, DOS, and DOD throughout the approval process. Applications take from 6-8 weeks to be approved and an additional three months or more (depending upon availability) to receive Department of Defense space-available transport. Neither approval nor transportation is guaranteed.


Not applicable.



Assistance Considerations

Formula and Matching Requirements

Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance

Since the Denton program is a space available program, it is impossible to predict when transportation will be provided; therefore, no guarantees can be made regarding completion of a donated humanitarian goods shipment.


Post Assistance Requirements


Donors must submit a report to USAID/Washington within 30 days after the goods are distributed overseas, describing in detail how they were in fact distributed, to whom and how the goods were used. This report will be compared with the distribution plan provided as part of the application for transport assistance. Failure to submit the report in a timely manner will result in the donor's future disqualification from the participation in the Denton Program.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Financial Information

Account Identification



FY 07 $50,000; FY 08 est not available; and FY 09 est not reported.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance

Approximately $50,000 per year for inspections.


Program Accomplishments

Fiscal year 2003 Shipments Completed: 25 Tonnage Shipped: 400,000 pounds Number of Countries Served: 13.


Regulations, Guidelines and Literature



Information Contacts

Regional or Local Office

Not applicable.

Headquarters Office

Denton Program Officer, Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, United States Agency for International Development, Washington, DC 20523. Telephone: (202) 712-4795.

Web Site Address


Related Programs



Examples of Funded Projects

Not applicable.


Criteria for Selecting Proposals

All applications that conform to the stated guidelines and procedures will be accepted for space-available transportation of the donated commodities under the Denton program.


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