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HUB Zone Program

Program Descriptions

Program Number



HUB Zone Program


Federal Agency




The HUBZone Act of 1997, the HUBZones in Native America Act of 2000 and the Small Business Administration Authorization and Manufacturing Assistance Act of 2004, and program regulations. 13 CFR 126.100.






The purpose of the HUBZone program is to provide federal contracting assistance for qualified SBCs located in historically underutilized business Zones in an effort to increase employment opportunities, investment, and economic development in such areas.


Types of Assistance

Project Grants (Contracts).


Uses and Use Restrictions

The HUBZone Program stimulates capital investment, creation of jobs, and economic development in distressed rural and urban communities by providing Federal contracting preferences to firms certified by SBA as 'qualified' HUBZone small businesses.


Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the program, a firm must (1) be a small business (as defined by SBA Size Standards), (2) be owned and controlled at least 51 percent by one or more U.S. citizens, a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative or an Indian tribe, (3) be located (principal office) in a HUBZone, and (4) certify that least 35 percent of its employees are residents of a HUBZone.

Beneficiary Eligibility

The HUBZone Program is precisely targeted to provide contract opportunities - revenue sources - to firms located in approximately 11,600 metropolitan census tracts, 1,400 non-metropolitan counties, Indian Lands, and 150 areas affected by base closures and realignments.


Application for HUBZone status is accomplished on-line.


Application and Award Process

Preapplication Coordination

None. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372.

Application Procedure

Applications are made on-line via the Intranet at

Award Procedure

Applicant is notified of program participation approval electronically within 30 days of receipt of a completed application.


Applications for program participation are accepted on an on-going basis.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time

Approximately 30 days.


Not applicable.



Assistance Considerations

Formula and Matching Requirements

Not applicable.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance

Not applicable.


Post Assistance Requirements


On-line re-certification every three years.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Financial Information

Account Identification



FY 07 $6,767,000; FY 08 $7,499,000; FY 09 $8,150,000.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance



Program Accomplishments

HUBZone small businesses certified annually: FY 2001 = 2,145; FY 2002 = 2,796; FY 2003 = 2,338; FY 2004 =2,294. Program examinations completed: FY 2004 =505. Contract awards goal accomplishment: FY 2001 = 0.72 percent; FY 2002 = 0.71 percent; FY 2003 =1.24. HUBZone small businesses certified annually: FY 2001 = 2,145; FY 2002 = 2,796; FY 2003 = 2,338; FY 2004 = 2,294. Program examinations completed: FY 2004 = 505. Contract awards goal accomplishment: FY 2001 = 0.72 percent; FY 2002 = 0.71 percent; FY 2003 = 1.24.


Regulations, Guidelines and Literature

The HUBZone Act of 1997, the HUBZones in Native America Act of 2000, and the Small Business Administration Authorization and Manufacturing Assistance Act of 2004, and program regulations. 13 CFR Part 126. See the HUBZone website:


Information Contacts

Regional or Local Office

Not applicable.

Headquarters Office

Associate Administrator for HUBZone Program, Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20416.

Web Site Address


Related Programs



Examples of Funded Projects

Not applicable.


Criteria for Selecting Proposals

Not applicable.


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