Program Descriptions
Program Number
Special Programs For The Aging-Title Vii, Chapter 3-Programs For Prevention Of Elder Abuse, Neglect, And Exploitation
Federal Agency
Older Americans Act of 1965, Title III, Parts A and G, Public Law 89-73, as amended; Public Law 90-42, 81 Stat. 106; Public Law 91-69, 83 Stat. 108; Public Law 93-29, 87 Stat. 30; Public Law 93-351, 88 Stat. 357; Public Law 94-135, 89 Stat. 713; Public Law 95-65, 91 Stat. 269; Public Law 95-478, 92 Stat. 1513; Public Law 97-115, 95 Stat. 1595; Public Law 98-459, 98 Stat. 1767; Public Law 100- 175, 101 Stat. 926; Section 705, Public Law 100-628; 42 U.S.C. 3022- 3030(p); Public Law 106-501.
To support activities to develop, strengthen, and carry out programs for the prevention, detection, assessment, and treatment of, intervention in, investigation of, and response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including financial exploitation), including: (1) providing for public education and outreach to identify and prevent elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation; (2) providing for public education and outreach to promote financial literacy and prevent identity theft and financial exploitation of older individuals; (3) ensuring the coordination of services provided by area agencies on aging with services instituted under the State adult protection service program, State and local law enforcement systems, and courts of competent jurisdiction; (4) promoting the development of information and data systems, including elder abuse reporting systems, to quantify the extent of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in the State; (5) conducting analyses of State information concerning elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation and identifying unmet service, enforcement, or intervention needs; (6) conducting training for individuals, professionals, and paraprofessionals, in relevant fields on the identification, prevention, and treatment of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, with particular focus on prevention and enhancement of self determination and autonomy; (7) providing technical assistance to programs that provide or have the potential to provide services for victims of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation and for family members of the victims; (8) conducting special and on going training for individuals involved in serving victims of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, on the topics of self determination, individual rights, State and Federal requirements concerning confidentiality, and other topics determined by a State agency to be appropriate; (9) promoting the development of an elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation system; (10) examining various types of shelters serving older individuals (in this paragraph referred to as safe havens), and testing various safe haven models for establishing safe havens (at home or elsewhere), that recognize autonomy and self-determination, and fully protect the due process rights of older individuals; and (11) supporting multidisciplinary elder justice activities.
Types of Assistance
Formula Grants.
Uses and Use Restrictions
Funds are awarded to State Agencies on Aging to develop and enhance comprehensive and coordinated programs for the prevention and treatment of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, consistent with relevant State law and coordinated with State adult protective service activities. A State plan covering 2, 3, or 4 years, with annual revisions as necessary, must be submitted for approval to the Assistant Secretary on Aging. Funds are used to develop, strengthen, and carry out activities for prevention and treatment of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
All States and U.S. Territories which have State Agencies on Aging designated by the governors.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Individuals 60 years of age and older, targeting those older individuals with the greatest social needs and those with the greatest economic needs.
Applicable costs and administrative procedures will be determined in accordance with Part 92 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Application and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
This program is subject to the State Plan Coordination Section of E.O. 12372. State plans are covered under this Section, but Intergovernmental Consultation Review is excluded.
Application Procedure
Consult the appropriate Regional Office for State application instructions. (See Appendix IV of the Catalog).
Award Procedure
The Administration on Aging awards funds through a statutory formula to State Agencies on Aging. State agencies approve and award.
Funds are awarded to State Agencies on Aging based on the Federal fiscal year.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
States are entitled to these grants by statute. However, the grants can be terminated by the Assistant Secretary for Aging if the required State Plan is not approved, or if the required intrastate funding formula is not approved.
Appeals are processed in accordance with HHS regulations in 45 CFR 1321 and Section 2112 of Title 28, U.S.C.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
No matching is required. The statistical factor used for fund allocation is the State population of persons 60 years of age and over and the source is the most recent data available to the Assistant Secretary for Aging. In addition, minimum allotments are established for States. Statistical factors for eligibility do not apply to this program. This program has maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements. See funding agency for further details.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
One year.
Post Assistance Requirements
SF 269 Financial Status Report (Semi-annual), and the Annual Program Performance Report.
In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133, (Revised, June 24, 1997), "Audits of State and Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in OMB Circular No. A-133.
Records must be kept available for 3 years after submission of the final expenditure report.
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Grants) FY 07 $5,146,000; FY 08 $5,146,000; and FY 09 est $5,146,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$3,184 to $516,587; $90,974.
Program Accomplishments
Fifty-six grants were awarded to States and related jurisdictions in fiscal year 2006, and the same is anticipated in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. Conducted activities include public education about ways in which older people are victimized, technical assistance and training for professionals that provide assistance to older victims, and promotion of coordination between professionals and agencies.
Regulations, Guidelines and Literature
45 CFR 92 and 45 CFR 1321.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Regional Administrator, Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services, located at all HHS Federal Regional Offices. (See Appendix IV of the Catalog.)
Headquarters Office
Mr. Edwin L. Walker, Director, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Programs, Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC 20001. Telephone: (202) 401-4634. Use the same number for FTS.
Web Site Address
Related Programs
93.042, Special Programs For The Aging-Title Vii, Chapter 2-Long Term CARE Ombudsman Services For Older Individuals
93.043, Special Programs For The Aging-Title Iii, Part D-Disease Prevention And Health Promotion Services
93.044, Special Programs For The Aging-Title Iii, Part B-Grants For Supportive Services And Senior Centers
93.045, Special Programs For The Aging-Title Iii, Part C-Nutrition Services
93.049, Special Programs for the Aging_Title VII, Chapter 6_Allotments for Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection Programs;
93.052, National Family Caregiver Support, Title Iii, Part E
Examples of Funded Projects
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
State grants are awarded upon approval of a State Plan.