A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
Federal Programs - Subject Index H
- Harbors
see, Water navigation
- Hawaiian natives
family based education centers 17.265
gifted, talented students 84.206, 84.330
- Hazardous waste
see, Waste treatment and disposal
- Headstart program
see, Disadvantaged, education
- Headstones and markers
see, Veterans interment and related services
- Health education, training
see also, Health professions
see also, Medical education, training
see also, Nursing
abstinence 93.010, 93.235
aging research 93.265, 93.866
AIDS awareness, prevention 93.307, 93.938, 93.939, 93.940
alternative medicine 93.213
developmentally disabled 84.246, 84.250, 93.618, 93.630, 93.631, 93.632
disadvantaged 15.130, 17.207, 17.266, 27.001, 84.042, 84.173, 84.329, 84.343, 93.178, 93.187, 93.220, 93.307, 93.308, 93.359, 93.822, 93.925
environmental health 14.906, 66.609, 93.113, 93.143, 93.161, 93.197, 93.202, 93.206, 93.964, 93.990
epidemiology 81.108, 93.231, 93.283, 93.964
graduate education 93.186, 93.225, 93.232, 93.250, 93.255, 93.307, 93.389, 93.925
graduate fellowships 84.015, 84.022, 85.300, 93.925
graduate traineeships 93.140, 93.186, 93.225, 93.255, 93.925, 93.962
health education centers 93.107, 93.189, 93.240, 93.254, 93.824
health policy planning 93.067, 93.155, 93.239, 93.254, 93.962, 93.964
health promotion 93.184, 93.990
health services research 93.063, 93.064, 93.066, 93.155, 93.185, 93.202, 93.209, 93.225, 93.231, 93.232, 93.280, 93.285, 93.890
HIV awareness, prevention 93.938, 93.939, 93.940
loan repayments, faculty 93.209, 93.280, 93.285, 93.307, 93.923
National Research Service Awards (NRSAs) 93.186, 93.225
rural health, medical 93.223
student assistance 93.255, 93.308, 93.925
- Health facilities
see also, Health, medical services
see also, Insurance, benefits
see also, Veterans health, medical services
construction 10.438, 10.442, 14.128, 14.129, 14.151, 14.239, 14.850, 64.005, 93.291, 93.392, 93.397
existing sites, expansion 93.017, 93.392, 93.887, 93.952
Federal surplus property 12.607, 39.002, 39.003
nursing homes 14.129, 14.151, 64.005, 93.773, 93.774, 93.778
organ procurement organizations 93.134
public land lease, purchase 39.002
site development, planning 93.130, 93.249, 93.252, 93.887
- Health insurance
see, Insurance, benefits
see, Social Security
see, Veterans health, medical services
- Health planning
AIDS demonstration projects 93.006, 93.153, 93.977, 93.978
alternative medicine 93.213
Alzheimer's disease, State medical care 93.051
cancer control 93.919
community health centers 93.130, 93.137, 93.224, 93.294, 93.791
diabetes control 93.237, 93.988
emergency services 93.784, 93.790, 93.889, 93.952, 93.991, 93.996
health administration 93.012, 93.013, 93.014, 93.018, 93.019, 93.067, 93.086, 93.130, 93.135, 93.136, 93.137, 93.138, 93.155, 93.189, 93.191, 93.192, 93.296, 93.300, 93.912, 93.913, 93.962, 93.964
health care services standards 93.065, 93.256, 93.777, 93.888
health research 93.018, 93.019, 93.153, 93.155, 93.234, 93.239, 93.267, 93.865, 93.888, 93.993
HIV prevention and treatment programs 93.006, 93.015, 93.296, 93.941
home health services 64.009, 64.011, 93.052, 93.778, 93.988, 93.991, 94.016
maternal and child health surveillance 93.946
medically underserved areas 93.015, 93.129, 93.130, 93.155, 93.165, 93.224, 93.290, 93.441, 93.444, 93.887, 93.912, 93.913
mental health 93.138, 93.243, 93.789, 94.016
National Health Service Corps 93.130, 93.162, 93.288
organ procurement organizations 93.134
Preventive Block Grants 93.991
rural populations 93.155, 93.211, 93.223, 93.301, 93.912, 93.913
- Health professions
see also, Dental education, training
see also, Health education, training
see also, Medical education, training
see also, Nursing
allied health 93.191, 93.822, 93.824, 93.970, 93.971, 93.972
biomedical research 93.140, 93.286, 93.389
chiropractor 93.212
dentistry 93.156, 93.236, 93.288, 93.342, 93.822, 93.964
dietetics 93.971, 93.972
environmental health 14.906, 66.609, 93.113, 93.143, 93.161, 93.197, 93.202, 93.206, 93.964, 93.990
epidemiology 81.108, 93.231, 93.283, 93.964
family planning 93.260, 93.778
health administration 93.012, 93.013, 93.014, 93.018, 93.019, 93.067, 93.086, 93.130, 93.135, 93.136, 93.137, 93.138, 93.155, 93.189, 93.191, 93.192, 93.296, 93.300, 93.912, 93.913, 93.962, 93.964
health education 93.107, 93.145, 93.185, 93.186, 93.191, 93.192, 93.250, 93.268, 93.269, 93.270, 93.288, 93.918, 93.936, 93.938, 93.939, 93.940, 93.971
hospital administration 93.962, 93.972
Indians 10.557, 10.567, 10.572, 15.036, 15.108, 15.144, 17.265, 30.009, 84.101, 84.245, 84.250, 93.123, 93.164, 93.228, 93.231, 93.594, 93.954, 93.970, 93.971, 93.972
interdisciplinary 93.192, 93.824
medical 93.117, 93.140, 93.156, 93.186, 93.191, 93.192, 93.288, 93.342, 93.822, 93.824, 93.879, 93.884, 93.964
medical records 93.971, 93.972
National Health Service Corps 93.130, 93.162, 93.288
nurse anesthetists 93.124
nursing 93.300, 93.303, 93.824, 93.908
nutrition 10.565, 93.047, 93.228, 93.237, 93.288, 93.971, 93.972
optometry 93.342, 93.822, 93.971
osteopathy 93.189, 93.288, 93.342, 93.822, 93.824, 93.884
pharmacy 93.342, 93.822, 93.971, 93.972
physical therapy 93.971, 93.972
podiatry 93.181, 93.342, 93.822
public health 93.255, 93.288, 93.822, 93.964
social work 93.971, 93.972
veterinary 93.342, 93.822
- Health research
see, Medical research
- Health services, emergency
see, Health, medical services
- Health services, preventive
see, Health, medical services
- Health, maternal and child
see, Maternal and child health
- Health, medical services
see also, Community health services
see also, Homeless, community services
see also, Mental health
see also, Veterans health, medical services
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 93.118, 93.145, 93.153, 93.266, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.924, 93.928, 93.936, 93.938, 93.939, 93.940, 93.941, 93.943, 93.944, 93.977, 93.978
AIDS surveillance and prevention 93.006, 93.118, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.944
AIDS, patient care and treatment 93.006, 93.257, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.928
Alzheimer's disease, State medical care 93.051
cancer control, screening 93.257, 93.919
child welfare 15.144, 93.104, 93.251
childhood lead poisoning, detection and prevention 93.197
children, emergency services 93.104, 93.127, 93.767
communicable diseases 93.118, 93.145, 93.268, 93.269, 93.270, 93.283, 93.856, 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.928, 93.977, 93.978
Community Health Centers (CHC) 93.252, 93.887
comprehensive services 93.249, 93.598, 93.912
developmentally disabled 84.246, 84.250, 93.618, 93.630, 93.631, 93.632
elderly 10.576, 14.138, 39.003, 84.177, 93.045, 93.047, 93.054, 93.569, 93.773, 93.778
emergency medical services 20.600, 93.127, 93.150, 93.226, 93.283, 93.991, 93.996 97.105
highway accidents 20.600, 20.602, 20.605
home health services 64.009, 64.011, 93.052, 93.778, 93.988, 93.991, 94.016
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 93.914, 93.917, 93.918, 93.924, 93.928, 93.938, 93.939, 93.940, 93.941, 93.943, 93.944
insurance for children 93.767
medically underserved areas 93.015, 93.129, 93.130, 93.155, 93.165, 93.224, 93.290, 93.441, 93.444, 93.887, 93.912, 93.913
Medicare 93.770, 93.773, 93.774, 93.783, 93.785, 93.786, 93.793, 93.794
migrant health centers 93.887
minority populations 93.004, 93.100
National Health Service Corps 93.130, 93.162, 93.288
preventive services 93.088, 93.135, 93.136, 93.235, 93.238, 93.253, 93.283, 93.284, 93.919, 93.932, 93.942, 93.945
primary health services 93.130, 93.224, 93.249, 93.928, 93.932
refugees 93.566, 93.598, 93.604
rural populations 93.155, 93.211, 93.223, 93.301, 93.912, 93.913
tuberculosis control 93.947
- Hearing impaired
see, Deafness and the deaf
see, Disabled entries
see, Medical research
see, Vocational rehabilitation
- Heart diseases
see, Medical research
- Herbicides
see, Pesticides
- Heritage conservation
see, Historic sites and monuments
- Higher education
see, Community colleges
see, Dental education, training
see, Disabled education
see, Disadvantaged, education
see, Fellowships, scholarships, traineeships
see, Health education, training
see, Health professions
see, Higher education, general
see, Humanities education
see, Indian education, training
see, International studies
see, Land-Grant colleges and universities
see, Law enforcement education, training
see, Medical education, training
see, Nuclear science, technology
see, Nursing
see, Science education
see, Scientific research
see, Student financial aid
see, Teacher education, training
see, Veterans education, training
- Higher education, general
airway science curriculum 20.100
aviation research 20.108
career counseling, tutoring 84.042, 84.044, 84.047
coal research 81.057
computer literacy, research 47.070
cooperative education, research 84.315
Cooperative Extension Service 10.500
drug-free schools and communities 84.184, 84.186, 93.276
employment and training research 84.229, 84.243, 84.274, 93.232, 94.006
Federal Family Education Loans 84.032, 84.268
gifted, talented students 84.206, 84.330
graduate, professional opportunities 19.408, 19.418, 19.421, 19.423, 77.008, 84.170, 84.229, 84.274, 84.379, 85.500, 93.232
historically black colleges and universities 14.520, 15.813, 45.160, 81.123, 84.315, 84.382
institutional aid 12.554, 84.031, 84.229, 84.245, 84.274, 84.315, 84.333, 84.361, 84.375, 84.376, 93.178, 94.005
international public policy 84.269
migrants 84.149
personnel training 84.103, 93.242, 93.632, 93.648
postsecondary education improvement 84.116, 84.120, 84.335, 84.381
Russian, Eurasian, Eastern Europe research, training 19.300
seasonal farm workers 84.149
social service 84.287, 85.400, 85.401, 85.402
State Student Incentive Grants 84.069
strengthening developing institutions 10.221, 10.222, 10.223, 84.031, 84.315, 84.382, 98.006
student recruitment and retention 10.216, 10.217, 10.221, 10.222, 10.226, 45.313
Talent Search 84.044
The Fund 84.116
Title III - HEA 1965 84.031, 84.382
Upward Bound 84.047
- Highways, roads, bridges
25 Percent Payments to States 10.665
accident investigation 20.600, 20.601
alcohol, highway safety 20.600, 20.601, 20.608
alteration of obstructive bridges 97.014
Appalachia highway construction 23.003
bank protection, flood damage 12.105
bicycle transportation 20.205
bridge rehabilitation, replacement 20.205
commercial vehicles, Safety Fitness Ratings 20.231, 20.236
debris hazard control 20.600
disaster repairs 20.205
drugs, highway safety 20.601
drunk driving, highway safety 20.601
Emergency Bank Protection 12.105
emergency medical services 20.600, 93.127, 93.150, 93.226, 93.283, 93.991, 93.996
forest highways planning, construction 20.205
hazardous materials 20.218, 20.703, 20.720
highway beautification 20.205
highway safety design 20.205, 20.600
highway training, education, graduate fellowships 20.215
highway warning devices 20.600
impaired driving 20.601
Indian reservation roads 15.033, 20.205
innovation 20.223, 20.514
interstate highway construction, rehabilitation 20.205
motor carrier safety 20.218
National Grasslands payments 10.666, 11.400
oil spills 97.013
Payments to Counties 10.666, 11.400
pedestrian safety 20.205, 20.600, 20.601
Preparedness Training and Planning Grants (HMEP) 20.703
regulatory, warning devices, Federal highway system 20.600
road-side vehicle inspection 20.218
State highway safety 20.601, 20.613
technical assistance 10.446, 10.901, 11.303, 11.307, 12.002, 12.607, 12.610, 20.238, 81.041, 81.042, 81.079, 81.114, 81.117, 94.005, 94.007, 94.009
traffic codes, laws 20.600, 20.601
traffic engineering 20.600, 20.601
training 10.306, 10.455, 10.670, 12.350, 15.608, 16.614, 17.502, 20.235, 20.240, 20.514, 20.721, 66.812, 84.126, 84.128, 84.129, 84.187, 84.246, 84.250, 84.264, 84.265, 84.331, 93.142, 93.244, 97.005, 97.006, 97.007, 97.026, 97.027, 97.040, 97.043, 97.097
transit planning and research 20.514, 20.515
- Historic sites and monuments
15.407, 15.904, 15.912, 15.914, 15.915, 15.918, 15.923, 15.926, 15.928, 15.929, 15.930
- History
see also, Humanities entries
- Home economics
- Home health services
- Home improvement
see, Homeownership, homebuying
- Home management
14.241, 64.106
- Homeless, community services
alcoholism, drug abuse treatment 14.238, 93.150, 93.230, 93.910
assistance for AIDS and related diseases 14.238, 14.241
children and youth 16.736, 84.196, 93.550
emergency shelter 14.231, 16.736
Federal surplus property 12.607, 39.002, 39.003
handicapped 14.138, 14.157, 14.181, 14.235, 14.404, 14.870, 14.876, 14.877, 15.045, 29.001, 30.011, 47.041, 84.323, 84.324, 84.326, 93.001, 93.617, 93.618
health services 14.241, 93.225
housing, shelter 14.231, 14.235, 14.249, 16.736, 39.002, 64.024
McKinney, Stewart B., Homeless Assistance Act 93.150
mental health treatment 14.238, 14.241, 93.150, 93.230
rental assistance 10.415, 10.427, 10.441, 14.139, 14.238, 14.249
veterans 17.806, 27.002, 64.024, 64.115
- Homeless, education
adults, basic skills 14.241, 17.805
children and youth 16.736, 84.196, 93.550
- Homeownership, homebuying
see also, Housing, low to moderate income
see also, Housing, mortgage or loan insurance
see also, Housing, rural
see also, Veterans housing
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