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Federal Programs - Subject Index U

U.S. flag ship operation
see, Urban Development Action Grants
see also, Employment services
see also, Employment, development, training
see also, Indian employment services
see also, Veterans employment
computerized job listing 17.207
defense program changes 12.607
import-caused, job placement 17.245, 17.273
railroad workers 57.001
State, local jurisdictions 11.307
trade adjustment assistance 17.245
unemployment insurance 17.225
see, Education facilities
see, Higher education entries
Upward Bound
see, Disadvantaged, education
Urban development
see, Community planning and development
see, Federal transit
see, Urban planning
see, Urban renewal
Urban mass transportation
see, Federal transit
Urban parks and playgrounds
Urban planning
11.001, 11.002, 15.914, 39.012
Urban renewal
14.122, 14.139
see, Public utilities


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