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Federal Programs - Subject Index U
- U.S. flag ship operation
see, Urban Development Action Grants
- Unemployment
see also, Employment services
see also, Employment, development, training
see also, Indian employment services
see also, Veterans employment
computerized job listing 17.207
defense program changes 12.607
import-caused, job placement 17.245, 17.273
railroad workers 57.001
State, local jurisdictions 11.307
trade adjustment assistance 17.245
unemployment insurance 17.225
- Universities
see, Education facilities
see, Higher education entries
- Upward Bound
see, Disadvantaged, education
- Urban development
see, Community planning and development
see, Federal transit
see, Urban planning
see, Urban renewal
- Urban mass transportation
see, Federal transit
- Urban parks and playgrounds
- Urban planning
11.001, 11.002, 15.914, 39.012
- Urban renewal
14.122, 14.139
- Utilities
see, Public utilities
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