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Federal Programs - Alphabetical Title A

Abandoned Infants

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To develop, implement and operate projects that demonstrate how to: (1) Prevent the abandonment of infants and young children exposed to HIV/AIDS and drugs, including the provision of services to family members for any conditions that increased the...


Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR) Program

Formula Grants; Project Grants.

To protect the public, health, safety and general welfare, and restore land, water and environmental resources affected by coal and noncoal mining practices that occurred prior to August 3, 1977.


Abstinence Education Program

Formula Grants.

To enable States to provide abstinence education and, at the option of the State, where appropriate, mentoring, counseling, and adult supervision to promote abstinence from sexual activity until marriage among teens, with a focus on groups that are...


Academic Competitiveness Grants

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide eligible first and second-year full-time undergraduates who have completed a rigorous course of study in high school with need-based grant assistance to help meet educational expenses.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Activity

Project Grants.

To develop and implement HIV prevention programs of public information and education.


Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To provide mortgage insurance for an adjustable rate mortgage which offers lenders more assurance of long term profitability than a fixed rate mortgage, while offering consumer protection features.


Administrative Cost Grants For Indian Schools

Project Grants.

To provide grants to tribes and tribal organizations operating schools for the purpose of paying administrative and indirect costs.


Adolescent Family Life Research Grants

Project Grants.

To encourage and support research projects and dissemination activities concerning the societal causes and consequences of adolescent sexual activity, contraceptive use, pregnancy and child rearing. To determine ways to alleviate, eliminate or...


Adolescent Family Life-Demonstration Projects

Project Grants.

To establish innovative, comprehensive, and integrated approaches to the delivery of care services for pregnant and parenting adolescents with primary emphasis on adolescents who are under 17 years of age. To promote abstinence from sexual relations...


Adoption Assistance

Formula Grants.

To provide Federal Financial Participation (FFP) to States in adoption subsidy costs for the adoption of children with special needs and who meet certain eligibility tests.


Adoption Incentive Payments

Formula Grants.

To provide incentives to States to increase annually the number of foster child adoptions, special needs adoptions, and older child adoptions.


Adoption Opportunities

Project Grants (Contracts).

To facilitate the elimination of barriers to adoption and to provide permanent,loving home environments for children who would benefit from adoption, particularly children with special needs.


Adult Education - Basic Grants To States

Formula Grants.

To fund local programs of adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services, family literacy services, and English literacy and civics education programs. Participation in these programs is limited to adults and...


Adult Education-National Leadership Activities

Project Grants (Contracts).

To support applied research, development, demonstration, dissemination, evaluation, and related activities that contribute to the improvement and expansion of adult basic education nationally.


Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention And Control

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To assist State and local health agencies, health related organizations and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations in their efforts to decrease the incidence of new infections of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses and to...


Advanced Education Nursing Grant Program

Project Grants.

Grants are awarded to eligible institutions for projects that support the enhancement of advanced nursing education and practice including master's and doctoral programs, combined RN/ master's degree programs, post-nursing master's certificate...


Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships

Project Grants.

Grants are awarded to eligible institutions to provide financial support through traineeships for registered nurses enrolled in advanced education nursing programs to prepare nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurse midwives, nurse...


Advanced Placement Program (Advanced Placement Test Fee; Advanced Placement Incentive Program Grants)

Project Grants (Discretionary).

Award grants to States support State and local efforts to increase access to advance placement classes and tests for low-income students and to cover part or all of the cost of test fees for low-income students enrolled in advanced placement...


Advanced Research And Projects Agency - Energy Financial Assistance Program

Project Grants

To support the President¡¯s National Objectives for the Department of Energy.


Advanced Surveillance Program (ASP)

Project Grants

To provide enhanced remote security and surveillance capability of passenger/baggage screening areas and airport perimeter areas. The ASP partners with airport authorities to enable Transportation Security Officers with real-time access to, as well...


Advanced Technology Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To work in partnership with industry to foster the development and broad dissemination of challenging, high-risk technologies that offer the potential for significant, broad-based economic benefits for the nation.


Advancing System Improvements To Support Targets For Healthy People 2010

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide three years of additional support to existing public health systems/collaborative partnerships to enable them to add a gender focus to HP 2010 objectives that track the health status of women and/or men, to help improve gender outcomes in...


Aerospace Education Services Program

Dissemination of Technical Information.

NASA's Aerospace Education Services Program (AESP) is a specialized group of educators using NASA's unique assets to support local, state, regional and national mathematics, science, and technology education systemic change efforts through...


Affordable Housing Development In Main Street Rejuvenation Projects

Project Grants.

To assist small communities in the rejuvenation of historic or traditional central business districts or "Main Street Areas" by replacing unused commercial space in buildings with Affordable housing units. The objectives of the program are to: (1)...


African Elephant Conservation Fund

Project Grants.

To provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants. The African Elephant Conservation Fund supports projects that promote...


Aging Research

Project Grants.

To encourage biomedical, social, and behavioral research and research training directed toward greater understanding of the aging process and the diseases, special problems, and needs of people as they age. The National Institute on Aging has...


Agricultural And Rural Economic Research

Dissemination of Technical Information.

To provide economic and other social science information and analysis for public and private decisions on agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural America. ERS produces such information for use by the general public and to help the executive...


Agricultural Management Assistance

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide cost-share assistance to producers on private lands through contracts to construct or improve water management structures or irrigation structures; plant trees for windbreaks or to improve water quality; and mitigate financial risk...


Agricultural Market And Economic Research

Project Grants.

To conduct cooperative economic research and analyses in support of the Office of the Chief Economist's responsibility to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on the economic implications of Department policies, programs, and proposed legislation....


Agricultural Research-Basic And Applied Research

Project Grants.

To make agricultural research discoveries, evaluate alternative ways of attaining research goals, and provide scientific technical information.


Agricultural Statistics Reports

Dissemination of Technical Information.

To formulate, develop, and administer programs for collecting and publishing statistics related to agriculture, resources, and rural communities.


Agriculture On Indian Lands

Direct Payments for Specified Use; Advisory Services and Counseling; Provision of Specialized Services.

To protect and restore the agricultural (cropland and rangeland) resources on trust lands and facilitate the development of renewable agricultural resources.


Aid To Tribal Governments

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide funds to Indian tribal governments to support general tribal government operations, to maintain up-to-date tribal enrollment, to conduct tribal elections, and to develop appropriate tribal policies, legislation, and regulations.


AIDS Education And Training Centers

Project Grants.

(1) To train health personnel, including practitioners in programs under this title and other community providers, in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of HIV disease, including the prevention of the perinatal transmission of the disease,...


Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To maintain technological superiority in the scientific areas relevant to Air Force needs; to prevent technological surprise to our nation and create it for our adversaries; to maintain a strong research infrastructure composed of Air Force...


Air Pollution Control Program Support

Project Grants.

Section 105 program are to assist State, Tribal, Municipal, Intermunicipal, and Interstate agencies in planning, developing, establishing, improving, and maintaining adequate programs for the continuing prevention and control of air pollution and/or...


Air Transportation Centers Of Excellence

Project Grants; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Provision of Specialized Services.

To conduct long term continuing research in specific areas of aviation related technology. Responsibilities of Centers may include but not limited to: the conduct of research concerning catastrophic failure of aircraft; airspace and airport planning...


Airport Checked Baggage Screening Program

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To support U.S. commercial airports in implementing and maintaining security compliance requirements and capabilities related to in-line Baggage Handling System electronic explosive detection screening of checked baggage, as mandated by the Aviation...


Airport Improvement Program

Project Grants; Advisory Services and Counseling.

To assist sponsors, owners, or operators of public-use airports in the development of a nationwide system of airports adequate to meet the needs of civil aeronautics.


Alaska Coastal Marine Institute

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

The Minerals Management Service Offshore Minerals Management and Minerals Revenue Management programs provide major economic and energy benefits on a national and local level to the taxpayers, states and the American Indian community. The Offshore...


Alaska Migratory Bird Co-Management Council

Project Grants.

To facilitate and administer regional programs to involve subsistence hunters of migratory birds in the management and regulation of migratory birds.


Alaska Native Educational Programs

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To support projects that recognize and address the unique educational needs of Alaska Native students and to support supplemental education programs to benefit Alaska Natives.


Alaska Native Serving And Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions Education Grants

Project Grants.

To recruit, support and educate under-represented scientists and professionals, and to advance the educational capacity of the Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian (AN/NH) Serving Institutions.


Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions Assisting Communities

Project Grants.

To assist Alaska Native Institutions (ANIs) and Native Hawaiian Institutions (NHIs)of higher education enhance their role and effectiveness in addressing community development needs in their localities, including neighborhood revitalization,...


Alaska Subsistence Management

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Three programs are administered under ANILCA to...


Alaskan Indian Allotments And Subsistence Preference-Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To fulfill the directives prescribed in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) which affect Alaska Natives and their allotments. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is responsible for assisting Alaska Native applicants acquire title...


Alcohol National Research Service Awards For Research Training

Project Grants.

To assure the maintenance of an adequate supply of well-trained alcohol researchers through the award of both individual fellowships and grants to training institutions for support of training at both the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels and for...


Alcohol Open Container Requirements

Project Grants.

To encourage States to enact and enforce an alcohol open container law.


Alcohol Research Career Development Awards For Scientists And Clinicians

Project Grants.

To provide support for increased research experience relating to the problems of alcohol abuse and alcoholism prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation; and to raise the level of competence and increase the number of individuals engaged in such...


Alcohol Research Center Grants

Project Grants.

To provide long-term support for a concerted and multi-disciplinary research effort into the problems of alcohol use and alcoholism by coordinating the activities of investigators from biomedical, behavioral, and social science disciplines around a...


Alcohol Research Programs

Project Grants.

To develop a sound fundamental knowledge base which can be applied to the development of improved methods of treatment and more effective strategies for preventing alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and...


Alcohol Traffic Safety And Drunk Driving Prevention Incentive Grants

Project Grants.

To encourage States to adopt effective programs to reduce crashes resulting from persons driving while under the influence of alcohol and other controlled substances.


Alcohol, Tobacco, And Firearms-Training Assistance


To help the participant identify the laws relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, and provide training in specific investigative skills and techniques, and to help State, county, and local law enforcement officers improve their law...


All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance

Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.

To help servicepersons readjust to civilian life after their separation from military service. Assist in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified personnel in the active and reserve components in the Armed Forces by providing education...


Allergy, Immunology And Transplantation Research

Project Grants.

To assist public and private nonprofit institutions and individuals to establish, expand, and improve biomedical research and research training in allergic and immunologic diseases and related areas to assist public, private, and commercial...


Allied Health Special Projects

Project Grants.

Grants are awarded to meet the costs of projects to plan, develop, operate, or maintain graduate psychology education programs in behavioral and mental health to train graduate psychologists to work with underserved populations. These programs are...


Alternate Non-Emergency Service Providers Or Networks

Project Grants.

To provide Federal payments to States for the establishment of alternate non-emergency service providers, or networks of such providers to provide non-emergency care.


Alternative Housing Pilot Program

Project Grants.

Evaluate the efficacy of non-traditional short and intermediate-term housing alternatives for potential future use in a catastrophic disaster environment. Identify, develop and evaluate alternatives to and alternative forms of FEMA Disaster Housing...


Alternative Or Innovative Treatment Technology Research, Demonstration, Training, And Hazardous Substance Research Grants

Project Grants.

To support grants and cooperative agreements for (1) a program of research, evaluation, testing, development, and demonstration of alternative or innovative treatment technologies which may be utilized in response actions to achieve more permanent...


Alternatives Analysis

Project Grants.

To assist in financing the evaluation of all reasonable modal and multimodal alternatives and general alignment options for identified transportation needs in a particular, broadly defined travel corridor.


Alternatives To Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities For Children

Project Grants.

Over the last decade, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTFs) have become the primary provider for youth with serious emotional disturbances requiring an institutional level of care. However, since they are not recognized as hospitals,...


Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants To States

Project Grants.

To assist States in creating a system of dementia care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and their families, by carrying out demonstration projects for planning, establishing, and operating programs to: (1) Create models of assistance for persons...


Ambassadors For Change Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide recognition and funding to the graduating National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health and the National Community Centers of Excellence in Women's Health programs to enhance their women's health program through the integration of...


American Battlefield Protection

Project Grants.

Promote the protection and preservation of battlefield lands on American soil by funding non- acquisition preservation methods such as planning, education, survey and inventory.


American Council Of Young Political Leaders

Project Grants.

To enable emerging political leaders in the U.S. to experience firsthand the political and cultural dynamics of other countries; to offer politically active young people in other countries a similar experience in the United States.


American Overseas Research Centers

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To enable American overseas research centers, that are consortia of higher education institutions, to promote postgraduate research, exchanges, and area studies.


Americans With Disabilities Act Technical Assistance Program

Dissemination of Technical Information; Training; Investigation of Complaints; Project Grants.

To ensure that public accommodations and commercial facilities and State and local governments learn of the requirements of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and acquire the knowledge needed to comply voluntarily with...



Project Grants.

AmeriCorps is the cornerstone of the Corporation's national service programs. AmeriCorps addresses pressing education, public safety, human, and environmental needs of our Nation's communities by encouraging Americans to serve either part or...


Anadromous Fish Conservation Act Program

Project Grants.

To cooperate with the States and other nonfederal interests in the conservation, development, and enhancement of the nation's Anadromous fish stocks and the fish in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that ascend streams to spawn, and for the control...


Animal Health And Disease Research

Formula Grants.

To support animal health and disease research at eligible Schools and Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, and State Agricultural Experiment Stations whose purpose is to improve the health and productivity of food animals and horses through effective...


Anti-Gang Initiative

Project Grants.

To provide support for new and expanded anti-gang enforcement and prevention activities under the Project Safe Neighborhood Initiative (PSN).


Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve

Project Grants (Contracts); Direct Payments for Specified Use.

Encompasses two programs for victims of terrorism and/or mass violence: (1) Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) and (2) The International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP). The AEAP provides assistance and...


Appalachian Area Development

Project Grants.

To help the regional economy become more competitive by putting in place the building blocks for self-sustaining economic development, while continuing to provide special assistance to the Region's most distressed counties and areas. This program...


Appalachian Development Highway System

Project Grants.

To provide a highway system which, in conjunction with other federally-aided highways, will open up areas with development potential within Appalachia where commerce and communication have been inhibited by lack of adequate access.


Appalachian Local Development District Assistance

Project Grants.

To provide planning and development resources in multicounty areas; to help develop the technical competence essential to sound development assistance; and to meet the objectives stated under the program entitled Appalachian Regional Development...


Appalachian Regional Development (See Individual Appalachian Programs)

Project Grants.

To help the regional economy become more competitive by putting in place the building blocks for self-sustaining economic development, while continuing to provide special assistance to the Region's most distressed counties and areas. This program...


Appalachian Research, Technical Assistance, And Demonstration Projects

Project Grants.

To expand the knowledge of the region to the fullest extent possible by means of research (including investigations, studies, technical assistance and demonstration projects) in order to assist the Commission in accomplishing the objectives of the...


Applied Meteorological Research

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

Through the Collaborative Science, Technology, and Applied Research (CSTAR) program, the NWS provides funding to the university community for highly collaborative applied research activities. The CSTAR program creates a cost-effective transition...


Applied Science Program Cooperative Agreements Related To Coal Mining And Reclamation

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To support of two efforts: (1) develop and demonstrate improved technologies to address public safety and environmental issues related to the mining of coal and reclamation of the lands affected after mining; and (2) encourage efforts to collect,...


Aquatic Plant Control

Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.

To provide for the cooperation of the Army Corps of Engineers with State and local government agencies in the control of obnoxious aquatic plants in rivers, harbors, and allied waters.


Architectural And Transportation Barriers Compliance Board

Dissemination of Technical Information.

To enforce Federal laws requiring accessibility for persons with disabilities in certain federally funded buildings and facilities throughout the Nation; set guidelines and requirements for accessibility standards prescribed by Federal agencies....


Architectural Barriers Act

Investigation of Complaints.

To provide that facilities financed, constructed, altered or leased by the Federal government with specific design standards shall be accessible to persons with physical disabilities.


Arthritis, Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases Research

Project Grants.

To support research relevant to arthritis, musculoskeletal and skin diseases, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) supports research training and basic and clinical investigations including epidemiology...


Arts And Artifacts Indemnity


To provide for indemnification against loss or damage for eligible art works, artifacts, and objects (1) when borrowed from abroad for exhibition in the U.S.; (2) when borrowed from the U.S. for exhibition abroad, preferably when there is an...


Arts Exchanges On International Issues

Project Grants.

The Arts Exchanges on International Issues Program is only open to non-profit arts, cultural and educational organizations. The program works with nonprofit organizations to develop cooperative international group projects that introduce American...


Arts In Education

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To provide competitive grants that support the integration of the arts into the elementary and secondary school curriculum, with particular focus on improving the academic achievement of low-income students.


Asian Elephant Conservation Fund

Project Grants.

To provide financial assistance to support the effective long-term conservation of Asian elephants. This program provides support for projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: Applied research, including surveys and monitoring;...


Assessment And Watershed Protection Program Grants

Project Grants.

To support the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, reduction, and...


Assets For Independence Demonstration Program

Project Grants.

The purpose of the Assets for Independence program is to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of asset-building projects that assist low-income people in becoming economically self-sufficient by teaching them about economic and consumer issues...


Assistance For Indian Children With Severe Disabilities

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide for the special education and related services of Indian children with severe disabilities.


Assistance For Torture Victims

Project Grants.

To provide services and rehabilitation for survivors of torture. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) provides a comprehensive program of support for domestic centers and programs for victims of torture.


Assistance Programs For Chronic Disease Prevention And Control

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To work with State health agencies and other public and private nonprofit organizations in planning, developing, integrating, coordinating, or evaluating programs to prevent and control chronic diseases; assist in monitoring the major behavioral...


Assistance To Firefighters Grant

Project Grants.

To provide financial assistance directly to fire departments and nonaffiliated EMS organizations to enhance their capabilities with respect to fire and fire-related hazards. To help fire departments and nonaffiliated EMS organizations meet their...


Assistance To Firefighters Grant (ARRA)

Project Grants

To provide financial assistance directly to fire departments to enhance their capabilities with respect to fire and fire-related hazards. To provide financial assistance in the construction, upgrading or rehabilitation of fire stations.


Assistance To High Energy Cost Rural Communities

Project Grants; Direct Loans.

Assistance to rural communities with extremely high energy costs.


Assistance To Small And Disadvantaged Businesses

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To enter into successful partnerships between OSDBU and chambers of commerce, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, community colleges, or trade associations, to establish regional Small Business Transportation Resource Centers...


Assistance To Small Shipyards

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To award grants for capital improvements and related infrastructure improvements at qualified shipyards that will facilitate the efficiency, cost effectiveness, and quality of domestic ship construction for commercial and Federal Government use.


Assistance To State Water Resources Research Institutes

Formula Grants; Project Grants.

To provide financial support to Water Resources Research Institutes located at designated State universities in each of the 50 States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern...


Assistance To Tribally Controlled Community Colleges And Universities

Project Grants.

To provide grants for the operation and improvement of tribally controlled community colleges to insure continued and expanded educational opportunities for Indian students, and to allow for the improvement and expansion of the physical resources of...


Assisted Living Conversion For Eligible Multifamily Housing Projects

Project Grants.

To provide private nonprofit owners of eligible developments designated primarily for occupancy by the elderly with a grant to allow the conversion of some or all of the dwelling units in the project into Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) for the...


Assistive Technology

Formula Grants; Project Grants (Discretionary); Project Grants (Contracts); Dissemination of Technical Information.

To provide States with financial assistance that supports programs designed to maximize the ability of individuals of all ages with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives to obtain assistive...


Assistive Technology-State Grants For Protection And Advocacy

Formula Grants.

To support protection and advocacy services through the systems established to provide protection and advocacy services under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act for the purpose of assisting the acquisition, utilization,...


Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide assistance to eligible States and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission in order to support and encourage the development, implementation, and enforcement of effective interstate conservation and management of Atlantic Coastal...


Attorney Fees-INDIAN Rights

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To assist Federally Recognized Tribes in protecting their treaty rights and other rights established through Executive Order or court action.


Automated Flood Warning Systems (AFWS)

Project Grants.

The objective of the Automated Flood Warning Systems Program is to provide funding to communities with flood or flash flood problems that affect safety of life and property to assist them in creating, renovating, or enhancing Automated Flood Warning...


Automobiles And Adaptive Equipment For Certain Disabled Veterans And Members Of The Armed Forces

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide financial assistance to certain disabled servicepersons and veterans toward the purchase price of an automobile or other conveyance and an additional amount for adaptive equipment deemed necessary to insure the eligible person will be...


Avian Influenza Indemnity Program

Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers regulations at 9 CFR part 53 that provide for the payment of indemnity to owners of animals that are required to be destroyed...


Aviation Education

Advisory Services and Counseling.

To promote "Aviation Knowledge through Education"; create a public awareness of the need to promote the development and enhancement of education in aviation; establish a civil aviation information distribution program within each region and center...


Aviation Research Grants

Project Grants; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment.

To encourage and support innovative, advanced, and applied research and development in areas of potential benefit to the long-term growth of civil aviation.


Aviation Research Grants

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment.

To encourage and support innovative, advanced, and applied research and development in areas of potential benefit to the long-term growth of civil aviation security.



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