Dairy Indemnity Program
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.
To protect dairy farmers and manufacturers of dairy products who through no fault of their own, are directed to remove their milk or dairy products from commercial markets because of contamination from pesticides which have been approved for use by...
Dairy Market Loss Assistance Program
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.
The purpose of this program is to provide benefits to dairy operations under Public Law 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681; Sections 805 and 825 of Public Law 106- 78; and section 805 of Public Law 106-387 only, in order to provide financial assistance to...
Dairy Options Pilot Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
The purpose of the Dairy Options Pilot Program (DOPP) is to educate dairy producers in the use of options contracts as risk management tools and to ascertain the usefulness of options to dairy producers in various regional markets.
DC School Choice Incentive Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Project Grants (Discretionary).
To provide low-income parents residing in the District of Columbia (District) with expanded options for the education of their children. This program is part of a broader school improvement effort in the District that is funded on the belief that...
Debris Removal Insurance
The project will consist of the incorporation of a captive insurance company by the City of New York in the State of New York to insure the City and its contractors for claims arising from debris removal at the World Trade Center following the...
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To conduct basic and applied research and development that enhances U.S. national security and reduces the global danger from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and special nuclear materials through needs-driven research and...
Degrees At A Distance Program
Project Grants.
To support curriculum development, regional meeting support, program marketing, course material printing and publications and initiation of institutional agreements with local two-year college degree programs and colleges/universities, designated by...
Delta Area Economic Development
Project Grants.
Delta Regional Authority's mission is to be an advocate for and partner with the people of the Delta to create opportunities for self-sustaining economic development and improved quality of life. This program focuses on activities which support...
Delta Local Development District Assistance
Project Grants.
To provide planning and development resources in multicounty areas; to help develop the technical competence essential to sound development assistance; and to meet the objectives stated under the program entitled Delta Regional Development (90.200)....
Delta Regional Development
Project Grants.
The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) is a federal-state partnership serving a 240-county/parish area in an eight-state region. Led by a Federal Co-Chairman and the governors of each participating state, the DRA is designed to remedy severe and chronic...
Demolition And Revitalization Of Severely Distressed Public Housing
Project Grants.
Revitalization Grants enable PHAs to improve the living environment for public housing residents of severely distressed public housing projects through the demolition, substantial rehabilitation, reconfiguration, and/or replacement of severely...
Demonstration Cooperative Agreements For Development And Implementation Of Criminal Justice Treatment Networks
Project Grants.
To fund integrated criminal justice treatment networks made up of a consortium of criminal justice, substance abuse treatment, primary health and mental health care, and allied social services and job placement agencies in the following three...
Demonstration Projects For Indian Health
Project Grants.
To promote improved health care among American Indians and Alaska Natives through research studies and demonstration projects, addressing such issues as Elder Care, Women's Health Care, and Children & Youth Initiative.
Demonstration Projects To Ensure Students With Disabilities Receive A Higher Education
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To support model demonstration projects to provide technical assistance or professional development for faculty in higher education, to provide students with disabilities a quality postsecondary education.
Demonstration To Maintain Independence And Employment
Project Grants.
To prevent the loss of employment and reliance on cash assistance by individuals at risk for disability. To provide benefits equivalent to those provided by Medicaid, to the categorically needy and to workers who have physical or mental impairments...
Denali Commission Program
Project Grants.
The Denali Commission is an Innovative Federal and State partnership designed to provide critical utilities and infrastructure throughout Alaska, particularly in distressed communities.
Denali Commmission Grants And Loans
Project Grants; Direct Loans.
Grants and loans to the Denali Commission for the benefit of rural communities in Alaska with extremely high household energy costs exceeding 275 percent of the national average.
Denton Program
Provision of Specialized Services.
To put the empty space on U.S. Military transport to good use by providing humanitarian relief transportation for nongovernmental organizations or private citizens, at little or no cost to them.
Department Of Defense Appropriation Act Of 2003
Provision of Specialized Services.
For developing a system for prioritization of mitigation and cost to complete estimates for mitigation, on Indian lands resulting from Department of Defense activities. (1) For the mitigation of environmental impacts, including training and...
Department Of Defense HIV/Aids Prevention Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To train and assist selected foreign militaries in establishing and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs for their military personnel and dependents.
Depository Libraries For Government Publications
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide a class of libraries in the United States and its possessions known as depository libraries, in which tangible and electronic U.S. Government information products are made available by the Superintendent of Documents for use by the...
Desegregation Of Public Education
Provision of Specialized Services.
To secure equal educational opportunity for persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Development And Coordination Of Rural Health Services
Project Grants.
To (1) Build infrastructure through workshops, conferences, etc., (2) develop and provide information to a wide audience, (3) increase awareness of Federal and State resources, and (4) build partnerships between Federal and State governments.
Developmental Disabilities Basic Support And Advocacy Grants
Formula Grants.
To enable individuals with developmental disabilities to become independent, productive, integrated and included into their communities. Funding under these programs is to assist States in the development of a plan for a comprehensive and...
Developmental Disabilities Projects Of National Significance
Project Grants.
To provide for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for projects of national significance to increase and support the independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion into the community of individuals with developmental...
Diabetes, Digestive, And Kidney Diseases Extramural Research
Project Grants.
(1) To promote extramural basic and clinical biomedical research that improves the understanding of the mechanisms underlying disease and leads to improved preventions, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes, digestive, and kidney diseases....
Direct And Counter-Cyclical Payments Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide income support to eligible producers of covered commodities.
Direct Housing-Natural Disaster
Direct Loans.
To assist qualified lower income rural families to meet emergency assistance needs resulting from natural disaster to buy, build, rehabilitate, or improve dwellings in rural areas. Funds are only available to the extent that funds are not provided...
Direct Housing-Natural Disaster Loans And Grants
Direct Loans; Project Grants.
To assist qualified recipients to meet emergency assistance needs resulting from natural disaster. Funds are only available to the extent that funds are not provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). For the purpose of administering...
Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements
Project Grants.
Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCAs) enable EPA to award cooperative agreements to federally recognized Indian tribes and eligible intertribal consortia to help carry out the Agency's function to implement directly, Federal...
Disabilities Prevention
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To (1) Provide a national focus for the prevention of secondary conditions in persons within selected disability domains including mobility, personal care, communication, and learning; (2) build State capacity to coordinate program activities and...
Disability Employment Policy Development
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) provides national leadership on disability employment policy to the Department of Labor (DOL) and other Federal agencies. ODEP develops and fosters implementation of comprehensive and integrated...
Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)
Formula Grants.
To provide intensive services to meet the employment needs of disabled and other eligible veterans; and, to provide maximum emphasis in meeting the employment needs of those who are economically or educationally disadvantaged, including homeless...
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Short Term Lending Program
Loan Guarantees/Grants.
To advance the opportunities for small, minority-owned disadvantaged businesses, including women and service-disabled veteran owned businesses and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) (to obtain accounts receivable financing for the performance...
Disadvantaged Health Professions Faculty Loan Repayment (FLRP) And Minority Faculty Fellowship Program (MFFP)
Project Grants; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
The purpose of the Minority Faculty Fellowship Program is to assist eligible entities in increasing the number of underrepresented minority faculty at health professions schools. The applicant school shall demonstrate its ability to: (1) identify,...
Disaster Assistance Loans
Direct Loans.
To provide loans to the victims of declared disasters for uninsured or otherwise uncompensated physical damage.
Disaster Assistance Projects
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
This category is not for unsolicited proposals. Provides funding that has been designated by Congressionally appropriated authorization, generally for a specified project, or to provide unique or limited scope funding for certain Disaster Assistance...
Disaster Donations Management Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To distribute technology solutions to State and local government and voluntary agencies throughout the country prior, to a major event, through the Aidmatrix Foundation/FEMA partnership. This will allow end-users to incorporate technology solutions...
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters)
Project Grants.
To assist State and local governments in recovering from the devastating effects of disasters by providing assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures and the repair, restoration, reconstruction or replacement of public facilities...
Disaster Housing Assistance Grant
Project Grants.
To provide temporary housing assistance and case management for families who were displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. DHAP would be implemented in the form of a rental assistance program that would continue providing housing subsidies for...
Disaster Housing Assistance To Individuals And Households In Presidential Declared Disaster Areas
Project Grants.
To provide financial assistance and, if necessary, direct assistance to individuals and households affected as a direct result of a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency, who have uninsured or under-insured, necessary expenses and...
Disaster Legal Services
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide legal assistance to individuals affected by a major Federal disaster.
Disaster Reserve Assistance
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide emergency assistance to eligible livestock owners, in a State, county, or area approved by the Secretary or designee, where because of disease, insect infestation, flood, drought, fire, hurricane, earthquake, hail storm, hot weather, cold...
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Direct Payments for Specified Use; Provision of Specialized Services.
To provide special federally funded weekly benefits to workers and self-employed individuals who are unemployed as a direct result of a Presidentially-declared major disaster, and who are not eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance benefits paid...
Discovery And Applied Research For Technological Innovations To Improve Human Health
Project Grants.
To support hypothesis, design, technology, or devise-driven research relation to the discovery, design, development, validation, and application of technologies related to biomedical imaging and bioengineering. The program includes biomaterials...
Disposal Of Federal Surplus Real Property
Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.
To dispose of surplus real property by lease, permits, sale, exchange, or donation.
Disposal Of Federal Surplus Real Property For Parks, Recreation, And Historic Monuments
Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment.
To transfer surplus Federal real property for public park and recreation use, or for use of historic real property.
Distance Learning And Telemedicine Loans And Grants
Project Grants; Direct Loans.
To encourage and improve the use of telemedicine, telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies to provide educational and medical benefits through distance learning and telemedicine projects to people living in rural...
Distribution Of Receipts To State And Local Governments
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
By various Laws, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) shares revenue with State, county, and local governments from fees charged for sale or use of public lands, minerals, and vegetation. Payment amounts are determined by several codified formulas...
Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants
Project Grants.
To assist Ph.D. candidates in completing their research and dissertations on housing and urban development issues.
Dollar Home Sales
Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.
To expand HUD's partnership with local governments in helping to foster housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income families and address specific community needs.
Donation Of Federal Surplus Personal Property
Project Grants.
To donate Federal personal property no longer required for Federal use to public agencies and qualifying nonprofit entities in order to reduce the cost of State and local government.
Donations/Loans Of Obsolete DOD Property
Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment.
To donate or lend obsolete combat material to veterans' organizations, soldiers' monument associations, State museums, incorporated museums, and incorporated municipalities.
Drug Abuse And Addiction Research Programs
Project Grants (Fellowships).
To support biomedical, basic and clinical neuroscience, behavioral and social science, epidemiologic, health services and health disparity research to develop new knowledge and approaches related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, etiology,...
Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program
Project Grants.
The Drug Court Discretionary Grant provides financial and technical assistance to states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to develop and implement treatment drug courts that effectively integrate...
Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grants
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To increase the capacity of community coalitions to reduce substance abuse, and over time, to reduce substance abuse among adults through strengthening collaboration among communities, public, and private entities. To disseminate state-of-the-art...
Drug-Free Workplace Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
This Program permits the Small Business Administration (SBA) to make grants to eligible intermediaries to assist small businesses financially and technically in establishing DFWP programs. That statute also amended the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C....
Dutch John Federal Property And Disposition Assistance Act
Project Grants.
To privatize certain lands in and surrounding Dutch John, Utah; to transfer jurisdiction to certain Federal property Between the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior; to improve the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area; to...
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