Free Government Grants  

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Federal Programs - Alphabetical Title G

Gaining Early Awareness And Readiness For Undergraduate Programs

Project Grants (Discretionary).

Supports eligible entities in providing or maintaining a guarantee to eligible low-income students who obtain a secondary diploma (or its recognized equivalent), of the financial assistance necessary to permit the students to attend an institution...


Gang Resistance Education And Training

Project Grants.

To help prevent youth crime, violence and gang association while developing a positive relationship among law enforcement, families, and our young people, to create safer communities.


GAP Analysis Program

Project Grants.

Studies where native animal species and natural plant communities occur and identifies "gaps" in their representation to support conservation of biodiversity.


Garrison Diversion Unit

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To meet the water needs within the State of North Dakota by providing funds on a non-reimbursable basis for the planning and construction of a multi-purpose water resource development project within the State of North Dakota for irrigation;...


General Research And Technology Objectives: Activity

Project Grants.

To carry out research, demonstration and program evaluation and monitoring projects of high priority and pre-selected by the Department to improve the operations of the Department's programs.


Geodetic Surveys And Services (Geodesy And Applications Of The National Geodetic Reference System)

Project Grants.

To provide national, coordinated spatial reference system at various specified intervals which provide scale, orientation, coordinated positions, and elevations of specific points for use in surveying, boundary delineations and demarcation, mapping,...



Project Grants.

To strengthen and enhance the national scientific enterprise through the expansion of fundamental knowledge and increased understanding of the integrated Earth system through the support of basic research in the atmospheric, earth and ocean...


Geriatric Academic Career Awards

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To increase the number of junior faculty at accredited schools of allopathic and osteopathic medicine and to promote the development of their careers as academic geriatricians. Awards provide financial incentives for junior faculty to pursue...


Geriatric Education Centers

Project Grants.

Grants are given to support the development of collaborative arrangements involving several health professions schools and health care facilities. Geriatric Education Centers provide training of health professional faculty, students, and...


Geriatric Training For Physicians, Dentists And Behavioral/Mental Health Professionals

Project Grants.

Grants are given for faculty training projects in geriatric medicine, dentistry, and behavioral or mental health. The purpose of this grant program is to provide support, including fellowships, for geriatric training projects to train physicians,...


Global AIDS

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

By 2010, work with other countries, international organizations, the U.S. Department of State, USAID and other partners to achieve the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS goal of reducing prevalence among 15 to 24 years of...


Global Development Alliance

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

The Global Development Alliance (GDA) business model provides a framework for enabling public-private alliances (PPA's) to carry-out activities that promote international development objectives. Through the leveraging, sharing the cost of resources...


Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program

Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.

The purpose of the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program is to improve the quality of life in distressed urban communities. This is to be accomplished by encouraging law enforcement officers, teachers, and firefighters/emergency medical technicians,...


Government Publications Sales And Distribution

Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods; Dissemination of Technical Information.

To make U.S. Government publications available for purchase.


Graduate Assistance In Areas Of National Need

Project Grants.

To provide fellowships through graduate academic departments, programs, and units of institutions of higher education to graduate students of superior ability who demonstrate financial need for the purpose of sustaining and enhancing the capacity...


Grant Program To Establish A Fund For Financing Water And Wastewater Projects

Project Grants.

To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to establish a revolving loan fund to make small, short term loans for pre-development or small capital water or waste disposal projects.


Granting Of Patent Licenses

Dissemination of Technical Information.

To encourage widespread utilization of inventions covered by DOE owned patents.


Grants For Agricultural Research - Competitive Research Grants

Project Grants.

To support research, education and extension grants that address key problems of national, regional and multistate importance in sustaining all components of agriculture (farming, ranching, forestry, aquaculture, rural communities, human nutrition...


Grants For Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants

Project Grants.

To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.


Grants For Dental Public Health Residency Training

Project Grants.

To plan and develop new residency training programs and to maintain or improve existing residency training programs in dental public health; and to provide financial assistance to residency trainees enrolled in such programs. To improve the...


Grants For Education, Prevention, And Early Detection Of Radiogenic Cancers And Diseases

Project Grants.

To award grants for the purpose of enabling grantees to carry out programs for: (1) screening individuals described under section 4 (a)(1)(A)(i) or 5(a)(1)(A) of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 2210 note) for cancer as a...


Grants For Preventive Medicine

Project Grants.

To promote the post-graduate education of physicians in preventive medicine and public health.


Grants For State Assessments And Related Activities

Formula Grants.

(1) To support the development of the additional State assessments and standards required by Section 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA); (2) if a State has developed the assessments and standards required by...


Grants For Training In Primary CARE Medicine And Dentistry

Project Grants.

Grants are awarded for the following purposes: (1) Residency Training in Primary Care-- to plan, develop, and operate or participate (including provision of financial assistance to residents in such programs) in approved residency programs in family...


Grants To Encourage Arrest Policies And Enforcement Of Protection Orders

Project Grants.

To encourage States, Indian tribal governments, State and local courts (including juvenile courts), tribal courts, and units of local government to treat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as serious violations of...


Grants To Increase Organ Donations

Project Grants.

To support grants for the purpose of increasing public commitment to organ donation and the number of organs recovered and ultimately transplanted. To that end, the Division of Transplantation has a cooperative agreement and 5 grant programs with...


Grants To Provide Outpatient Early Intervention Services With Respect To HIV Disease

Project Grants.

To increase the capacity of entities that provide comprehensive primary care services to persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, or who are at-risk of infection, and to offer more early intervention services. The services will...


Grants To Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, And Stalking On Campus

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To develop and strengthen effective security and investigation strategies to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campuses, and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving such crimes against...


Grants To State Sexual Assault And Domestic Violence Coalitions

Formula Grants.

To coordinate State victim services activities and collaborate and coordinate with Federal, State, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities.


Grants To States

Formula Grants.

To promote improvement in library services in all types of libraries to better serve the people of the United States. To facilitate access to resources in all types of libraries for the purpose of cultivating an educated and informed citizenry. And...


Grants To States For Access And Visitation Programs

Project Grants.

To enable States to create programs which support and facilitate access and visitation by non-custodial parents with their children. Activities may include mediation, counseling, education, development of parenting plans, visitation enforcement and...


Grants To States For Construction Of State Home Facilities

Project Grants.

To assist States to acquire or construct State home facilities for furnishing domiciliary or nursing home care to veterans, and to expand, remodel, or alter existing buildings for furnishing domiciliary, nursing home, or hospital care to veterans in...


Grants To States For Incarcerated Youth Offenders

Formula Grants.

To assist and encourage incarcerated youths to acquire functional literacy, life, and job skills through the pursuit of postsecondary education certificates, associate in arts degrees, and bachelor of arts degrees.


Grants To States For Loan Repayment Program

Project Grants.

To increase the availability of primary health care in health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) by assisting States in operating programs for the repayment of educational loans of health professionals in return for their practice in HPSAs.


Grants To States For Operation Of Offices Of Rural Health

Project Grants.

To improve health care in rural areas through the establishment of State Offices of Rural Health.


Grants To States For Operation Of Qualified High-Risk Pools

Formula Grants.

To assist States in the operation of a qualified high-risk health insurance pool by providing Federal funding for up to 50 percent of losses incurred by the pool for a given State fiscal year.


Grants-IN-Aid For Railroad Safety-State Participation

Project Grants.

To promote safety in all areas of railroad operations; reduce railroad related accidents and casualties; and to reduce damage to property caused by accidents involving any carrier of hazardous materials by providing State participation in the...


Grassland Reserve Program

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To assist landowners and others in restoring and protecting eligible grassland, rangeland, pastureland and certain other lands through rental agreements and easements.


Great Apes Conservation Fund

Project Grants.

To provide financial assistance for projects for the effective long-term conservation of great apes and their habitats. This program supports projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: applied research on ape populations and their...


Great Lakes Human Health Effects Research

Project Grants.

To: (1) Build upon and amplify the results from past and on-going research in the Great Lakes basin; (2) develop information, databases and research methodology that will provide long-term benefit to human health effects research in the Great Lakes...


Great Lakes Program

Project Grants; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Dissemination of Technical Information.

To restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO), in concert with EPA Regions 2, 3, and 5, leads a consortium of programs, agencies, and...


Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships For Undergraduate/Graduate Environmental Study

Project Grants.

The National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) offers graduate and undergraduate fellowships to students in environmentally related fields of study. This program is intended to strengthen the environmental research capacity of institutions of...


Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Research Program

Project Grants.

EPA's National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) is interested in stimulating and nurturing environmental research and educational opportunities at educational institutions that are not highly funded for development of environmental research...


Ground And Surface Water Conservation- Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

Provide technical and financial assistance to eligible farmers and ranchers to address water conservation natural resource concerns on their lands in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. This program provides assistance to...


Gulf Of Mexico Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

(1) To assist States, Indian Tribes, interstate agencies, and other public or nonprofit organizations in developing, implementing, and demonstrating innovative approaches relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and...



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