Free Government Grants  

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Federal Programs - Alphabetical Title J

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Program

Project Grants (Fellowships).

To strengthen secondary school teaching of the principles, framing, and development of the U.S. Constitution; to contribute to a deeper understanding of American government and to foster in both teachers and students the spirit of civic...


Japan-US Friendship Commission Grants

Project Grants.

to promote educational, intellectual, artistic and cultural exchange and research between Japan and the United States.


Javits Fellowships

Project Grants (Fellowships).

To provide fellowships for graduate study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to individuals of superior ability selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise. Fellowships are awarded to students...


Javits Gifted And Talented Students Education Grant Program

Project Grants.

To provide financial assistance to State and local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, and other public and private agencies and organizations, to stimulate research, development, training, and similar activities designed to...


Job Access-Reverse Commute

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide grants to local governments, nonprofit organizations, and designated recipients of Federal transit funding to develop transportation services to connect welfare recipients and low- income persons to employment and support services. Job...


Job Opportunities For Low-INCOME Individuals

Project Grants.

The purpose of the JOLI program is to create new jobs to be filled by low-income individuals. JOLI grantees create jobs through business plans and the provision of technical and/or financial assistance to private employers in the community....


John Ogonowski Farmer-To-Farmer Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

Improve global food production and marketing by transferring technical skills of the U.S. agricultural community to farmers in participating countries. The purpose of the program is to assist farmers in increasing food production and distribution,...


Juvenile Accountability Block Grants

Formula Grants; Project Grants.

To provide States and units of local government with funds to develop programs to strengthen and promote greater accountability in the juvenile justice system. To survey the field and identify projects that would benefit from research,...


Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention-Allocation To States

Formula Grants; Project Grants.

To increase the capacity of State and local governments to support the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, accountability based sanctions, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile...


Juvenile Mentoring Program

Project Grants.

This program includes three OJJDP youth mentoring programs for FY 2008: OJJDP FY 2008 Latino Youth Mentoring Program, OJJDP FY 2008 National Mentoring Programs, and OJJDP FY 2008 Strengthening Youth Mentoring Through Community Partnerships, which...



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