Maglev Project Selection Program - Safetea-Lu
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide financial assistance for a demonstration magnetic levitation transportation project.
Magnet Schools Assistance
Project Grants.
To provide grants to eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) or consortia of LEAs for use in magnet schools that are part of approved desegregation plans and that are designed to bring together students from different social, economic, racial,...
Mainstream Vouchers
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To aid persons with disabilities (elderly and non-elderly)in obtaining decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing For Welfare-to-Work rental vouchers, families must also meet special welfare-to-work criteria.
Management Initiatives
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Training; Use of Property, Facilities, and Equipment; Advisory Services and Counseling.
To provide a variety of Bureau of Land Management financial assistance awards not covered by any other program entry. This program will support mission program efforts for the management, protection, and development of public lands managed by the...
Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards
Dissemination of Technical Information; Investigation of Complaints.
To protect the quality, durability, safety and affordability of manufactured homes; to facilitate the availability of affordable manufactured homes and to increase home ownership for all Americans; to provide for the establishment of practical,...
Manufactured Home Loan Insurancefinancing Purchase Of Manufactured Homes As Principal Residences Of Borrowers
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To make possible reasonable financing of manufactured home purchases.
Manufacturing And Services
Advisory Services and Counseling.
To foster the competitiveness and growth of U.S. industries and promote their increased participation in international markets.
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Cooperative Agreements; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To establish, maintain, and support manufacturing extension centers and services, the functions of which are to improve the competitiveness of firms accelerating the usage of appropriate manufacturing technology by smaller U.S. based manufacturing...
Map Modernization Management Support
Project Grants.
To increase local involvement in, and ownership of, management of the development and maintenance of flood hazard maps produced for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Marine Fisheries Initiative
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide financial assistance for research and development projects that will provide information for the full and wise use and enhancement of fishery resources in the Southeast U. S. Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic beginning with the State...
Marine Gas Hydrate Research Activities
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To characterize and monitor gas hydrate deposits on OCS Block MC-118 in the Gulf of Mexico.
Marine Mammal Data Program
Project Grants.
Nondiscretionary funding under this authorization provides support to State agencies for the collection and analysis of information on marine mammals that occur in the State's waters and interact with State managed fisheries and other marine...
Marine Minerals Activities
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To evaluate OCS sand deposits for coastal restoration and beach nourishment needs, and to foster good working relationships regarding OCS mineral issues with coastal States.
Marine Sanctuary Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To identify areas of the marine environment of special national significance due to their resource or human-use values; to provide authority for comprehensive and coordinated conservation and management of these marine areas that will complement...
Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
Project Grants.
To assist in the conservation of marine turtles and the nesting habitats of marine turtles in foreign countries by supporting and providing financial resources for projects to conserve the nesting habitats, conserve marine turtles in those habitats,...
Maritime Security Fleet Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To maintain a U.S.-flag merchant fleet crewed by U.S. mariners to serve both the commercial and national security needs of the United States.
Maritime War Risk Insurance
To provide war risk insurance whenever it appears to the Secretary of Transportation that adequate insurance for waterborne commerce cannot be obtained on reasonable terms and conditions from licensed insurance companies in the United States.
Market Access Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To encourage the creation, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities through cost-share assistance to eligible trade organizations that implement a foreign market development program.
Market Development Cooperator Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
Through the Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP), the International Trade Administration (ITA) aims to develop, maintain and expand foreign markets for nonagricultural goods and services produced in the United States.
Market News
Dissemination of Technical Information.
To provide timely and accurate information on prices, demand, movement, volume, and quality on all major U.S. agricultural commodities.
Market Protection And Promotion
Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Training.
The Federal Seed Program prevents mislabeled seed from moving in interstate commerce by providing for random sampling of seeds to insure accurate labeling of seed characteristics. The Plant Variety Protection Program offers legal protection to...
Marketing Agreements And Orders
Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling.
Marketing Agreements and Orders are designed to stabilize market conditions and improve returns to producers through the establishment of minimum prices, regulating the quality and quantity of commodities sold through commercial channels, and...
Maternal And Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs
Project Grants.
To carry out special maternal and child health (MCH) projects of regional and national significance; to conduct training and research; to conduct genetic disease testing, counseling, and information development and dissemination programs; for grants...
Maternal And Child Health Services Block Grant To The States
Project Grants.
To enable States to maintain and strengthen their leadership in planning, promoting, coordinating and evaluating health care for pregnant women, mothers, infants, and children and children with special health care needs in providing health services...
Mathematical And Physical Sciences
Project Grants.
To promote the progress of the mathematical and physical sciences and thereby strengthen the Nation's scientific enterprise; to increase the store of scientific knowledge and enhance understanding of major problems confronting the Nation. Most of...
Mathematical Sciences Grants Program
Project Grants.
The NSA grant program seeks to stimulate developments in the field of cryptography and make careers in these fields of mathematics more attractive to Americans and to make NSA known as a possible employer of such mathematicians.
Mathematics And Science Partnerships
Project Grants.
To improve the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by encouraging states, IHEs, LEAs, and elementary and secondary schools to participate in programs that: improve and upgrade the status and stature of mathematics and science...
Measurement And Engineering Research And Standards
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide scientific research and technology transfer for measurement and engineering research and standards.
Measures And Analyses Of The U.S. Economy
Dissemination of Technical Information.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a principal Federal statistical agency, seeks to promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the Nation with timely, relevant, and accurate economic data in an objective and cost-effective...
Meat, Poultry, And Egg Products Inspection
Provision of Specialized Services.
To assure that all meat, poultry and egg products produced in plants and shipped in commerce are federally inspected for safety, wholesomeness, and proper labeling.
Medicaid Infrastructure Grants To Support The Competitive Employment Of People With Disabilities
Project Grants.
To support State efforts to enhance employment options for people with disabilities by building Medicaid infrastructure. Funding may be used to develop a Medicaid buy-in, increase availability of Personal Assistance Services, or for State-to-State...
Medicaid Transformation Grants
Project Grants.
To provide Federal payments to States for the adoption of innovative methods to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in providing Medical Assistance.
Medical Assistance Program
Formula Grants.
To provide financial assistance to States for payments of medical assistance on behalf of cash assistance recipients, children, pregnant women, and the aged who meet income and resource requirements, and other categorically-eligible groups. In...
Medical Library Assistance
Project Grants.
To improve health information services by providing funds to train professional personnel; to conduct research in biomedical informatics, bioinformatics and related computer and information sciences; to facilitate management of electronic health...
Medical Reserve Corps Small Grant Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To support the development of Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units in communities throughout the United States to: (1) increase capacity at the community level to respond during emergencies which have medical consequences, and (2) improve public health...
Medicare Enrollment Assistance Program
Formula Grants; Project Grants.
To provide outreach to eligible Medicare beneficiaries regarding the benefits available under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, including the Medicare prescription drug benefit under Part D of title XVIII of the Social Security Act and under...
Medicare Transitional Drug Assistance Program For States
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide Federal funding for transitional assistance to certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries, for the purchase of prescription drugs as referenced in Section 1860D-31(b)(2) of the Act.
Medicare-Hospital Insurance
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide hospital insurance protection for covered services to persons age 65 or above, to certain disabled persons and to individuals with chronic renal disease.
Medicare-Prescription Drug Coverage
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide prescription drugs to Medicare beneficiaries through their voluntary participation in prescription drug plans, with an additional subsidy provided to lower-income beneficiaries.
Medicare-Supplementary Medical Insurance
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To provide medical insurance protection for covered services to persons age 65 or over, to certain disabled persons and to individuals with end-stage renal disease. Enrollment in Part B is voluntary.
Mental Health Clinical And AIDS Service-Related Training Grants
Project Grants.
(1) Institutions Clinical Training Grants: To encourage mental health specialists to work in areas and settings where severe shortages exist; to increase the number of qualified minority personnel in the mental health professions, and the number of...
Mental Health Disaster Assistance And Emergency Mental Health
Project Grants.
To provide supplemental emergency mental health counseling to individuals affected by major disasters, including the training of workers to provide such counseling.
Mental Health National Research Service Awards For Research Training
Project Grants.
To ensure a continuing and adequate supply of well-trained scientists who are able to conduct research on mental health problems. The program provides training grants to institutions and fellowships to individuals at both the predoctoral and...
Mental Health Research Career/Scientist Development Awards
Project Grants.
To provide support for research career development relating to causes, risk, diagnosis, genetics, development, epidemiology, prevention, treatment, and services use for mental illness, behavioral disorders, and HIV/AIDS; and relating to basic...
Mental Health Research Grants
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To increase knowledge of basic brain and behavioral processes that underlie mental and behavioral disorders; to support epidemiological studies of biological and environmental risk factors; to translate basic and epidemiological research into the...
Mentoring Children Of Prisoners
Project Grants.
To provide competitive grants to applicants in areas with significant numbers of children of prisoners to support the establishment and operation of programs using a network of public and private entities and to provide mentoring services for these...
Mentoring Partnership Program - Protege
Project Grants.
The purpose of the Mentoring Partnership Program' Protege is to strengthen the organizational infrastructure and program services of small non-profit organizations so they may deliver improved HIV/AIDS prevention and support services to women most...
Meteorologic And Hydrologic Modernization Development
Project Grants; Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use; Dissemination of Technical Information; Training.
To maintain a cooperative university and Federal partnership to conduct meteorological training, education, professional development, and research and development on hydrometeorological issues common to the hydrometeorological community.
Metropolitan Medical Response System
Project Grants.
The MMRS program provides funding to designated localities to assist in maintaining and updating plans, delivering training, purchasing equipment and pharmaceuticals, and conducting exercises. The mission of MMRS is to enhance local medical incident...
Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Research
Project Grants.
To support research related to Microbiology and Infectious Diseases with the broad aim of improving health by controlling disease caused by infectious or parasitic agents. Projects range from studies of microbial physiology and antigenic structure...
Microloan Program
Formula Grants; Direct Loans.
To assist women, low-income, and minority entrepreneurs, business owners, and other individuals possessing the capability to operate successful business concerns and to assist small business concerns in those areas suffering from a lack of credit...
Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To support democracy in the Middle East and North Africa by encouraging political, economic & educational reform and the empowerment of women..
Migrant Education-College Assistance Migrant Program
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To assist students that are engaged, or whose parents are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, and are enrolled or are admitted for enrollment on a full-time basis in the first academic year at an institution of higher education.
Migrant Education-Coordination Program
Project Grants.
To encourage the interstate and intrastate coordination of migrant education including consortium arrangements in order to reduce the administrative costs of state educational agencies (SEAs) receiving Title I Migrant Education Program funds under...
Migrant Education-High School Equivalency Program
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To assist students who are engaged, or whose parents are engaged, in migrant and other seasonal farm work to obtain the equivalent of a secondary school diploma and subsequently to gain employment or be placed in an institution of higher education...
Migrant Education-State Grant Program
Formula Grants.
To assist States to ensure that migratory children have the opportunity to meet the same challenging State content and performance standards that all children are expected to meet.
Migratory Bird Conservation
Project Grants; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To maintain and enhance populations and habitats of migratory bird species found in the Upper Midwest (IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI).
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To protect, restore and enhance wetland and upland ecosystems for the conservation of migratory birds.
Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment And Conservation
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements); Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To maintain, enhance, and better understand the ecology and habitats of migratory birds species.
Military Construction, National Guard
Project Grants.
To provide a combat-ready reserve force facilities for training and administering the Army and Air Force National Guard units in the 50 States, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam.
Military Medical Research And Development
Project Grants.
To reduce illness and injury among U.S. military personnel on the battlefield through basic and applied medical research executed largely through grants and contracts with civilian educational and research institutions.
Milk Income Loss Contract Program
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.
To maintain and expand existing markets for dairy which are vital to the welfare of milk producers in the United States. Payments under this program will be limited to dairy operations that produced milk in the United States and commercially...
Mine Health And Safety Counseling And Technical Assistance
Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information.
To improve conditions of health and safety in and around coal, metal and nonmetallic mines and mineral facilities through technical advice, special studies, investigations, development of State mine health and safety programs.
Mine Health And Safety Education And Training
To provide technical training for Federal mine inspectors and representatives of the mining industry.
Mine Health And Safety Grants
Project Grants.
To assist States in providing safety and health training and developing programs to improve mine health and safety conditions.
Minerals And Mining On Indian Lands
Direct Payments for Specified Use; Provision of Specialized Services; Dissemination of Technical Information.
The objectives of the Energy and Mineral Development Program are to: (1) provide funds to Tribes to perform technical evaluations of the energy (both renewable and conventional) and mineral resource potential of Indian reservations; (2) provide...
Minerals Management Service (MMS) Environmental Studies Program (ESP)
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
The Minerals Management Service Offshore Minerals Management and Minerals Revenue Management programs provide major economic and energy benefits on a national and local level to the taxpayers, states and the American Indian community. The Offshore...
Minerals Resources External Research Program
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To conduct research in topics related to non-fuel mineral resources in order to (1) ensure availability of up-to-date quantitative assessments of potential for undiscovered mineral deposits, (2) Ensure availability of up-to-date geoenvironmental...
Minimum Penalties For Repeat Offenders For Driving While Intoxicated
Project Grants.
To encourage States to enact and enforce Repeat Intoxicated Offender laws.
Minority Business Enterprise Centers
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To provide electronic and one-on-one business development services for a nominal fee to minority firms and individuals interested in entering, expanding or improving their efforts in the marketplace. MBDA's funded Minority Business Enterprise Center...
Minority Business Opportunity Center
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To promote access to key decision makers in the public and private sectors , facilitate the brokering of contracts and financial transactions, and identify and coordinate local business resources to benefit minority business entrepreneurs....
Minority Health And Health Disparities Research
Project Grants.
To support basic, clinical, social, and behavioral research, promote research infrastructure and training; foster emerging programs; disseminate information; and reach out to minority and other health disparity communities. The National Center on...
Minority Science And Engineering Improvement
Project Grants (Discretionary).
To (1) Effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and (2) increase the participation of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, in scientific and technological...
Miscellaneous Public Law 93-638 Contracts, Grants, And Cooperative Agreements
Direct Payments for Specified Use (Cooperative Agreements); Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
Project funds are to be provided on a non-reimbursable basis for construction and/or non-construction activities which are primarily for the benefit of Indians because of their status as Indians.
Missing Children's Assistance
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To coordinate Federal missing and exploited children activities and to support research, training, technical assistance, and demonstration programs to enhance the overall response to missing children and their families. Establish and maintain a...
Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
To ensure a safe and adequate municipal, rural, and industrial water supply for the residents of the Pine Ridge Indian, Rosebud Indian, and Lower Brule Indian Reservations in South Dakota; to assist the citizens of Haakon, Jackson, Jones, Lyman,...
Model State-Supported Area Health Education Centers
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
The Model State-Supported Area Health Education Centers (MAHEC) Program and the Basic/Core Area Health Education Centers (BAHEC) Program goals are to assist schools to improve the distribution, diversity, supply, and quality of health personnel in...
Money Follows The Person Rebalancing Demonstration
Project Grants.
For more than a decade, States have been asking for the tools to modernize their Medicaid programs. With the enactment of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005, States now have new options to rebalance their long-term support programs to allow...
Monthly Allowance For Children Of Vietnam Veterans Born With Spina Bifida
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.
To provide financial assistance to certain children born with spina bifida who are children of individuals who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam era.
Morris K. Udall Fellowship Program
Project Grants (Fellowships).
To honor former Arizona Congressman Morris K. Udall through the operation of internship, scholarship, and fellowship programs, financed by a permanent trust fund endowment, to develop increased opportunities for young Americans to prepare for and...
Morris K. Udall Native American Congressional Internship Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To honor former Arizona Congressman Morris K. Udall through the operation of internship, scholarship and fellowship programs, financed by a permanent trust fund endowment, to develop increased opportunities for young Americans to prepare for and...
Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To honor former Arizona Congressman Morris K. Udall through the operation of internship, scholarship, and fellowship programs, financed by a permanent trust fund endowment, to develop increased opportunities for young Americans to prepare for and...
Mortgage Insurance For Construction Or Substantial Rehabilitation Of Condominium Projects
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To enable sponsors to develop condominium projects in which individual units will be sold to home buyers.
Mortgage Insurance For The Purchase Or Refinancing Of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide mortgage insurance to HUD-approved lenders for the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily housing projects, whether conventionally financed or subject to federally insured mortgages at the time of application for mortgage...
Mortgage Insurance-Combination And Manufactured Home Lot Loans
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To make possible reasonable financing for the purchase of a manufactured home and a lot on which to place the home.
Mortgage Insurance-Cooperative Projects
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
Enables nonprofit cooperative ownership housing corporations or trusts to develop or sponsor the development of housing projects to be operated as cooperatives. Section 213 allows investors to provide good quality multifamily housing to be sold to...
Mortgage Insurance-GROWING Equity Mortgages
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide a rapid principal reduction and shorter mortgage term by increasing payments over a 10-year period, thereby expanding housing opportunities to the homebuying public.
Mortgage Insurance-Homes
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To help people undertake home ownership.
Mortgage Insurance-Homes For Disaster Victims
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To help victims of a major disaster undertake homeownership on a sound basis.
Mortgage Insurance-Homes In Urban Renewal Areas
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To help families purchase or rehabilitate homes in urban renewal areas.
Mortgage Insurance-Hospitals
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To facilitate the affordable financing of hospitals for the care and treatment of persons who are acutely ill or who otherwise require medical care and related services of the kind customarily furnished only or most effectively by hospitals.
Mortgage Insurance-Housing In Older, Declining Areas
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To assist in the purchase or rehabilitation of housing in older, declining urban areas.
Mortgage Insurance-Manufactured Home Parks
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To make possible the financing of construction or rehabilitation of manufactured home parks.
Mortgage Insurance-Nursing Homes, Intermediate CARE Facilities, Board And CARE Homes And Assisted Living Facilities
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide mortgage insurance to HUD-approved lenders to facilitate the construction or rehabilitation of nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes and assisted living facilities, to allow purchase or refinancing with or...
Mortgage Insurance-Purchase Of Units In Condominiums
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To enable families to purchase units in condominium projects.
Mortgage Insurance-Rental And Cooperative Housing For Moderate Income Families And Elderly, Market Interest Rate
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide good quality rental or cooperative housing for moderate income families, the elderly, and handicapped. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) may also be insured under this section (see program 14.184).
Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To increase the supply of good quality rental housing for middle-income families.
Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing For The Elderly
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide good quality rental housing for the elderly.
Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing In Urban Renewal Areas
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide good quality rental housing in urban renewal areas, code enforcement areas, and other areas designated for overall revitalization.
Mortgage Insurance-Single Family Cooperative Housing
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To provide insured financing for the purchase of the Corporate Certificate and Occupancy Certificate for a unit in a cooperative housing project. Ownership of the corporate certificate carries the right to occupy the unit located within the...
Mortgage Insurance-Two Year Operating Loss Loans, Section 223(D)
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
To insure a separate loan covering operating losses incurred during the first 2 years following the date of completion or any other 2-year period occurring within 10 years following the date of completion of a multifamily project with a HUD-insured...
Mortgages Insurance For Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Projects
Guaranteed/Insured Loans.
The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program provides mortgage insurance for multifamily properties consisting of single-room units. There are no Federal rent subsidies involved with this SRO Program. It is aimed at those tenants who have a source of...
Motor Vehicle Theft Protection Act Program
Project Grants (Discretionary).
The Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act of 1994 (MVTPA) authorizes the Attorney General to develop, in cooperation with the States, a national voluntary motor vehicle theft prevention program. The national "Watch Your Car" program is designed as a...
Moving To Work Demonstration Program
Formula Grants.
The purpose of this demonstration is to give public housing agencies and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the flexibility to design and test various approaches for providing and administering housing assistance that: reduce cost and...
Multi-Media Capacity Building Grants For States And Tribes
Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).
The general objectives of this program are to build and improve the capacity of States, multijurisdictional State organizations and federally recognized tribes by providing assistance agreements to foster environmental enforcement and compliance...
Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform And Affordability Act
Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To retain critical affordable housing resources represented by the supply of FHA-insured Section 8 assisted housing and maintain it in good physical and financial condition while, at the same time, reducing the cost of the ongoing Federal subsidy....
Multifamily Housing Service Coordinators
Project Grants.
To link elderly, especially frail and disabled, or disabled non-elderly assisted housing and neighborhood residents to supportive service in the general community; to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; and, to assess individual...
Multifamily Property Disposition
Sale, Exchange, or Donation of Property and Goods.
To manage and dispose of multifamily housing projects that are owned by the Secretary or that are subject to a mortgage held by the Secretary in a manner that is consistent with the National Housing Act; protect the financial interests of the...
Multistate Conservation Grant Program
Project Grants.
To provide funding for sport fish and wildlife restoration projects identified by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Museum Assessment Program
Direct Payments for Specified Use (Cooperative Agreements).
To help museums assess their strengths and weaknesses, and to plan for the future. The Museum Assessment Program is supported through a cooperative agreement between the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the American Association of...
Museum Grants For African American History And Culture
Project Grants.
Museum Grants for African American History and Culture are intended to build professional capacity in the African American museum community. The goals of the program are to develop and strengthen knowledge, skills, and other expertise of current...
Museums For America
Project Grants; Direct Payments for Specified Use.
To support projects and activities that strengthen museums as active resources for lifelong learning and as important institutions in the establishment of livable communities.