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Federal Programs - Alphabetical Title T

Targeted Watersheds Grants

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To support innovative, community-based watershed approaches aimed at preventing, reducing, or eliminating water pollution. The Targeted Watersheds Grant Program provides resources in the form of grants or cooperative agreements to support watershed...


Tax Counseling For The Elderly

Project Grants.

To authorize the Internal Revenue Service to enter into agreements with private or public nonprofit agencies or organizations; to establish a network of trained volunteers to provide free income tax information and return preparation assistance to...


Taxpayer Service

Advisory Services and Counseling.

To assist taxpayers and taxpayer organizations in locating services and Federal tax information established by the Federal tax system.


Teacher Education Assistance For College And Higher Education Grants (Teach Grants)

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide annual grants of up to $4,000 to eligible undergraduate and graduate students who agree to teach specified high-need subjects at schools serving primarily disadvantaged populations for four years within eight years of graduation. For...


Teacher Incentive Fund

Project Grants.

To support programs that develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools that must include gains in student academic achievement as well as classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during...


Teacher Incentive Fund, Recovery Act

Project Grants

To support projects that develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools that must include gains in student academic achievement as well as classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during...


Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To improve student achievement; improve the quality of the current and future teaching force by improving the preparation of prospective teachers and enhancing professional development activities; hold institutions of higher education accountable...


Teacher Quality Partnerships, Recovery Act

Project Grants

The Teacher Quality Partnership Program seeks to improve student achievement, improve the quality of prospective and new teachers working in high need local educational agencies (LEAs) and high need schools, hold teacher preparation programs...


Team Nutrition Grants

Project Grants.

Team Nutrition Training Grants for Healthy School Meals have been identified in USDA's national Strategic Plan for Training and Technical Assistance as one of the anchor delivery systems for supporting the implementation of USDA's nutrition...


Tech-Prep Education

Formula Grants; Project Grants (Contracts).

This program provides assistance to states to awrd grants to consortia of local agencies and postsecondary education institutions for the development and operation ofprograms consisting of the last two years of secondary education and at least two...


Technical Agricultural Assistance

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To identify and apply the most appropriate solutions to international agricultural problems and increase the capabilities of U.S. educational institutions and nonprofit agencies in agricultural technical assistance and research.


Technical And Non-Financial Assistance To Health Centers

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide necessary technical and non-financial assistance to potential and existing health centers, including: 1) training and assistance in fiscal and program management (program requirements); 2) operational and administrative support...


Technical And Supervisory Assistance Grants

Project Grants.

To assist low-income rural families in obtaining adequate housing to meet their family's needs and/or to provide the necessary guidance to promote their continued occupancy of already adequate housing. These objectives will be accomplished through...


Technical Assistance And Provision For Foreign Hospitals And Health Organizations

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide support for a quality of care improvement project based in a partner healthcare institution in Afghanistan, to provide continuing education and refresher training to physicians and other staff at Women's and Children's hospitals and other...


Technical Assistance And Training Grants

Project Grants.

To identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste disposal problems in rural areas; to assist applicants in preparing applications made in accordance with 7 CFR 1780; to improve operation and maintenance of water and waste disposal facilities in...


Technical Assistance For Specialty Crops Program

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

The Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Program is designed to assist U.S. organizations by providing funding for projects that address sanitary, phytosanitary, and technical barriers that prohibit or threaten the export of U.S. specialty...


Technical Assistance To Cooperatives

Provision of Specialized Services; Advisory Services and Counseling; Training; Dissemination of Technical Information.

To develop and administer research, technical assistance, statistical, and educational programs on finances, organization, management, legal, social, and economic aspects of rural cooperatives, focusing on farmer cooperatives.


Technical Preservation Services

Advisory Services and Counseling; Dissemination of Technical Information; Provision of Specialized Services.

To establish technical preservation policies and standards and to develop technical information for the treatment of historic properties. This includes development and distribution of the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic...


Technology Innovation Program (TIP)

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

Technology Innovation Program (TIP), is a cost-shared federal financial assistance program to support, promote, and accelerate innovation in the United States through high-risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need.


Technology Transfer

Dissemination of Technical Information.

To insure that technologies resulting from Government-sponsored civilian aerospace research and development are made available to the widest extent practicable and appropriate for the Nation's benefit.


Telehealth Network Grants

Project Grants.

The TNGP has two provisions: Telehealth Networks (TNGP-TH) grants demonstrate how telehealth networks improve healthcare services in rural communities. Telehomecare Networks (TNGP-THC) grants fund demonstration or pilot projects for telehomecare,...


Temporary Assistance For Needy Families

Formula Grants.

To provide grants to States, Territories, the District of Columbia and federally recognized Indian Tribes operating their own Tribal TANF programs to assist needy families with children so that children can be cared for in their own homes; to reduce...


Temporary Labor Certification For Foreign Workers

Provision of Specialized Services; Formula Grants.

To provide greater protection for U.S. and foreign workers without interfering with an employer's right to obtain temporary foreign workers. Also, to enable agricultural and other employers to obtain foreign workers for temporary or seasonal jobs...


The Rural Development (RD) Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program (MPR)

Project Grants.

To preserve and revitalize existing rural rental housing and farm labor housing projects financed by RHS under Section 515 and Sections 514/516 of the Housing Act of 1949 and to ensure that sufficient resources are available in order to continue to...


Thermal Imaging Inspection System Demonstration Project

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

The Secretary of Transportation shall carry out a demonstration project that uses a thermal imaging inspection system (TIIS) that leverages state-of-the-art thermal imagery technology, integrated with signature recognition software, providing the...


Title I Grants To Local Educational Agencies

Formula Grants.

To help local education agencies (LEAs) and schools improve the teaching and learning of children failing, or most at-risk of failing, to meet challenging State academic standards.


Title I Grants To Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act

Formula Grants

To help local education agencies (LEAs) and schools improve the teaching and learning of children failing, or most at-risk of failing, to meet challenging State academic standards.


Title I Program For Neglected And Delinquent Children

Formula Grants.

To help provide education continuity for children and youth in State-run institutions for juveniles and in adult correctional institutions, so that these youth can make successful transitions to school or employment once they are released from State...


Title V-Delinquency Prevention Program

Formula Grants.

To increase the capacity of State and local governments to support the development of more effective prevention programs to improve the juvenile justice system through risk and protective factor focused programming approach.


Title VI Federal Guarantees For Financing Tribal Housing Activities

Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

To assist an Indian tribe or Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) to obtain financing for affordable housing activities under Title II of NAHASDA where an obligation cannot be completed without such guarantee.


Tobacco Transition Payment Program

Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.

The Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 repeals the federal tobacco price support/production control program, provides compensation payments to tobacco quota owners for the elimination of their government-created asset (quota), and...


Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring Cooperative Agreements

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To (1) assist States, territories and possessions of the U.S. including the District of Columbia, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Indian Tribes in developing and maintaining compliance monitoring programs to prevent or eliminate unreasonable...


TRADE Adjustment Assistance

Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.

Under the program, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides technical assistance and cash benefits to eligible farmers and fishermen if increased imports have contributed importantly to a price decline of at least 20 percent. Technical...


TRADE Adjustment Assistance

Project Grants.

To provide adjustment assistance to qualified workers adversely affected by foreign trade which will assist them to obtain suitable employment.


TRADE Adjustment Assistance For Firms

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide trade adjustment assistance to firms and industries adversely affected by an increase in imports of directly competitive or similar articles to those with articles produced by the firm, and to help implement the firms' strategies to guide...


Training And Technical Assistance

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To provide training and technical assistance to national service programs supported by the Corporation for National Service, as well as to State Commissions or alternative entities.


Training Interpreters For Individuals Who Are Deaf And Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind

Project Grants.

To support projects that increase the numbers and improve the skills of manual, oral, and cued speech interpreters providing services to individuals who are deaf and individuals who are deaf-blind.


Training Resource And Data Exchange (TRADE)

Project Grants.

Support the national exchange and sharing of fire/emergency service training related materials and information.


Training, Investigations, And Special Purpose Activities Of Federally-Recognized Indian Tribes Consistent With The Clean Air Act (CAA), Tribal Sovereignty And The Protection And Management Of Air Quality

Project Grants.

To support Federally-recognized Indian Tribes' efforts to understand, assess and characterize air quality, and design methods and plans to protect and improve air quality on tribal lands through surveys, studies, research, training, investigations,...


Trans-NIH Recovery Act Loan Repayment Support

Direct Payments for Specified Use

To provide support for NIH loan repayment initiatives funded under The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Initiatives will attract and retain health professionals performing research in fields required by the NIH to carry out its...


Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support

Project Grants (Capacity Building and Complaint Processing, Training)

To provide support for initiatives funded under The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). These projects will provide economic stimulus to the nation while furthering the NIH mission to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better...


Trans-NIH Research Support

Project Grants; Training.

To provide support for new initiatives designed to address major opportunities and gaps in biomedical research that no single NIH institute could address alone, but which the agency as a whole can pursue to stimulate the progress of biomedical...


Transition Assistance Program

Project Grants (Contracts).

To provide employment instruction, information and assistance to separating and retiring military personnel and their spouses through domestic and overseas installations and or facilities by offering job search and other related services.


Transition To Teaching

Project Grants.

To recruit and retrain highly qualified midcareer professionals (including highly qualified paraprofessionals) and recent graduates of institutions of higher education, as teachers in high-need schools, including recruiting teachers through...


Transitional Housing Assistance For Victims Of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, Or Sexual Assault

Project Grants.

To provide transitional housing assistance and related support services to minors, adults, and their dependents who are homeless, or in need of transitional housing or other housing assistance, as a result of fleeing a situation of domestic...


Transitional Living For Homeless Youth

Project Grants.

The overall purpose of the Transitional Living Program (TLP) for Homeless Youth and the Maternity Group Homes (MGH) is to establish and operate transitional living projects for homeless youth, including pregnant and parenting youth. This program is...


Transport Of Transuranic Wastes To The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: States And Tribal Concerns, Proposed Solutions

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To enlist cooperation among the Tribal and the Southern, Western, Northeast, and Midwest state governments along the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) shipping corridors in developing plans and procedures for the safe and uneventful transportation...


Transportation Infrastructure Finance And Innovation Act (TIFIA) Program

Direct Loans; Guaranteed/Insured Loans.

The TIFIA program's purpose is to finance projects of national or regional significance by filling market gaps and leveraging substantial non-Federal and private co-investment. TIFIA credit assistance is intended to facilitate the financing of...


Transportation Planning, Research And Education

Project Grants.

To provide funds to conduct research and development on transportation and transportation inter-modal systems and related issues.


Transportation Services

Advisory Services and Counseling; Training.

The Transportation Services program develops and promotes efficient agriculture transportation systems to help improve farm income, expand exports and meet the needs of rural America. The program provides technical and administrative direction,...


Transportation-Consumer Affairs

Investigation of Complaints.

To improve service provided to the public by U.S. and foreign air carriers.


Trauma CARE Systems Planning And Development

Project Grants.

To administer grants to States and Territories for the purpose of developing, implementing, and improving Statewide trauma care systems.


Traumatic Brain Injury State Demonstration Grant Program

Project Grants.

To improve access to health and other services for individuals with TBI and their families.


Tree Assistance Program

Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use.

This program provides assistance to tree, bush and vine owners who have trees, bushes or vines lost by a natural disaster. The statute authorizes payments only for eligible owners who actually replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines...


Tribal Colleges And Universities Program

Project Grants.

To assist Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) build, expand, renovate, and equip their own facilities, and to expand the role of the TCUs into the community through the provision of needed services such as health programs, job training, and...


Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants

Formula Grants.

To enhance educational opportunities at the 30 Tribal Colleges designated as the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions by strengthening their teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences in targeted need areas.


Tribal Colleges Endowment Program

Formula Grants.

To enhance educational opportunities at the 30 Tribal colleges designated as the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions by strengthening their teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences in targeted need areas.


Tribal Court Assistance Program

Project Grants.

To assist tribal governments in the development, enhancement, and continuing operation of tribal judicial systems, including inter-tribal court systems.


Tribal Courts

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To provide funds to Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments to operate a judicial branch of government.


Tribal Courts-Trust Reform Initiative

Project Grants.

To provide grant funds to Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments that operate a judicial branch of government which has assumed the increased responsibilities required by 25 CFR Part 115--Trust Funds for Individual Indians Money accounts.


Tribal Domestic Violence And Sexual Assault Coalitions Program

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To increase awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women; enhancing the response to violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women at the tribal, Federal, and State levels; and...


Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grants

Direct payments for specified use.

To provide development grants to Indian tribes for use in developing and sustaining the managerial and technical capacity needed to develop their energy resources, and to properly account for resulting energy production and revenues. Proposals from...


Tribal Landowner Incentive Program

Project Grants.

To establish or supplement existing programs that provide technical or financial assistance including habitat protection and restoration, to Federally recognized Indian tribes for the protection and management of habitat to benefit Federally listed,...


Tribal Recruitment And Retention Of Health Professionals Into Indian Health Programs

Project Grants.

To make financial assistance awards to Indian tribes and tribal and Indian health organizations to enable them to recruit, place, and retain health professionals to fill critical vacancies and to meet the staffing needs of Indian health programs and...


Tribal Registry

Cooperative Agreements.

To develop and maintain a national tribal sex offender registry and a tribal protection order registry containing civil and criminal orders of protection issued by Indian tribes and participating jurisdictions.


Tribal Self-Governance

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

To further the goals of Indian Self-Determination by providing funds to Indian tribes to administer a wide range of programs with broad administrative and programmatic flexibility.


Tribal Wildlife Grants Program

Project Grants.

To develop and implement programs for the benefit of wildlife and their habitat, including species that are not hunted or fished.


Tribal Work Grants

Formula Grants.

To allow eligible Indian Tribes and Alaska Native organizations to operate a program to make work activities available.


Tribal Youth Program

Project Grants (Discretionary).

To support and enhance tribal efforts for comprehensive delinquency prevention, control, and juvenile justice system improvement for Native American youth.


Tribally Controlled Community College Endowments

Project Grants.

To provide grants to establish endowments for the Tribally Controlled Community Colleges.


Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career And Technical Institutions

Project Grants.

To make grants to tribally controlled postsecondary vocational and technical institutions to provide career and technical education services and basic support for the education and training of Indian students.


Trio Staff Training Program

Project Grants.

To provide training for staff and leadership personnel employed in, or preparing for employment in, projects funded under the Federal TRIO Programs (program numbers 84.042, 84.044, 84.047, 84.066, and 84.217.


Trio-Educational Opportunity Centers

Project Grants.

To provide information on financial and academic assistance available for qualified adults desiring to pursue a program of postsecondary education and to assist them in applying for admission to institutions of postsecondary education.


Trio-Mcnair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement

Project Grants.

To provide grants for institutions of higher education to prepare participants for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. Participants are from disadvantaged backgrounds and have demonstrated strong academic...


Trio-Student Support Services

Project Grants.

To provide supportive services to disadvantaged college students to enhance their potential for successfully completing the postsecondary education program in which they are enrolled and increase their transfer rates from 2-year to 4-year...


Trio-Talent Search

Project Grants.

To identify disadvantaged youths with potential for postsecondary education; to encourage them in continuing in and graduating from secondary school and in enrolling in programs of postsecondary education; to publicize the availability of student...


Trio-Upward Bound

Project Grants.

To generate skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond high school among low-income and potential first-generation college students and veterans. The goal of the program is to increase the academic performance and motivational...


Truck Security Program

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To promote security awareness and anti-terrorism for the highway professionals in support of the National Preparedness Guidelines and associated National Priorities.


TSA Airport Checked Baggage Inspection System Program - (ARRA)

Project Grants

The TSA Electronic Baggage System Program (EBSP) is responsible for the deployment and installation of Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) at airports across the nation. EBSP provides support to U.S. commercial airports in implementing and maintaining...


TSCA Title IV State Lead Grants Certification Of Lead-Based Paint Professionals

Project Grants.

The goal of EPA's lead-based paint program is to eliminate childhood lead poisoning by 2010. The program is comprised of four strategies designed to achieve the following goals: (1) Establish standards to define where lead hazards are present in...


Tuberculosis Demonstration, Research, Public And Professional Education

Project Grants (Cooperative Agreements).

To assist States, political subdivisions of States, and other public and nonprofit private entities in conducting research into prevention and control of tuberculosis nationally and internationally, especially in conducting demonstration projects...


TV Converter Box Coupon Program

Direct Payments for Specified Use.

After February 17, 2009, all full-power television stations will broadcast only in digital. If you use "rabbit ears" or a rooftop antenna with your analog television set, you must take some action to continue receiving television broadcasts. The...


Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers

Formula Grants.

To create community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. The program is intended to help students meet state and local student...



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